smoking = v. popular WW1 & onwards. 90% of lung cancer cases are smoking-related. 2nd most common cancer. 1985- smoke-related deaths costed the NHS £165 million yearly. no national screening programme
1950- evidence of smoking's detrimental effect published. 1965- banned advertisement of tobacco on TV. 2006- Health Act banned smoking in work places. 2007- 16 to 18 years old 2015- banned cars with children in.
DNA. 1900- Mendel theorised that genes come in pairs- one from each parent. 1902- Archibald Garrod theorised that hereditary diseases are caused by missing info
discovering the structure of DNA: Crick and Watson
2 German scientists created electron microscope in 1930s using a beam of electrons. Francis C & James W worked together at Cambridge Uni in 1953nand built a model of DNA- double helix.