Economics: The study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Economic system:The way a society organizes production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
Limited resources
(left wing) production, distribution, and exchange are owned/regulated by the community as a whole
(right wing) economics, trade, and industries are controlled by private owners for profit
The exclusive control of supplies/trade in a service
Contention to obtain goods that are limited
The practice of giving a group priority over individuals
The principle of being independent/self reliant
Crown corporation
Government owned company
Make something needed or wanted available
Insistent request, made as if by right
Person who purchases goods and services for personal use
Laissez Faire
Let do
Buying goods and services beyond necessities & how it affects quality of life
Valuing stuff (too much stuff)
Quality of Life
The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
Economic systems:
Everyone has a different ideas on how to organize the economy (different economic systems)
They depend on values of government
☝️They may change depending on what political parties in power
Different country different economic systems
On continuum based on government involvement in economy
3 Types of Economic Systems/spectrum:
Market (right)
Planned market applies to the political parties on the left of the spectrum, mixed economy is usually represented by the parties in the middle of the spectrum, and market economy is shown in the parties on the right of the spectrum
Planned Economy
Also known as Command Economy, Communism, Socialism, Public ownership. Government makes economic decisions about making and distributing products
Planned Economy
North Korea
Planned Economy
Production all owned and controlled by government
Economic questions are answered by government/state (central planning agency)
Resources publicly(government) owned
Individuals have less of a say in economics
More economic equality
No competition
Market Economy
Economic decisions & price of goods are guided by individuals (based on laissez - faire = let do)
Market Economy
New Zealand
Market Economy
Resources privately owned (Make your own decision on how to use resources)
Consumers drive economic decision based off what they buy
Disparity in wealth
Market Economy
Choice - consumers choose what they purchase
Competition - great for consumers price shifts and quality
Supply & demand - amount of product available based on what is wanted from everyone(can cause price to fluctuate)
Government role in Market Economy
Help to ensure fair advertising, protect consumers from unfair prices, make sure competition is ensured and tax when necessary
Supply and demand
Amount of product available based on what is wanted from everyone(can cause price to fluctuate)
Mixed Economy: combines ideas from capitalism and socialism
Ex.Canada, sweden, norway
Allows for private land & government to help to achieve goals
Resources are controlled by government & individuals
Everyone(including the government) has a say in economic decisions
Level of government involvement fluctuates based on government
Private firms are more efficient than government
Government can intervene to improve deficit
Creates an absolute poverty(safety net system)
Too much market force
Resources not equal
Successful businesses can lobby for tax breaks & incentives
Government is very involved in planned economy
Government has rules, but allows people to have private property in mixed economic
Government tries its best to stay out in market economy
Quality of life:provide jobs and cretes much more money and develops it more
Supply and demand:
Amount of product is based on what consumers want to buy this can cause price to fluctuate
Raise if high demand low supply
Drop if high supply low demand
Scarcity of goods:
When certain products are wanted more than others, but there is not enough of that product to fit the demand
Competition importance in economic systems:
Allows the product quality to increase
Allows price to decrease
Publicly owned business: owned by government but the government doesn’t intervene much
Privately owned businesses: Owned by an individual
Ex. private schools
Three factors of productions:
Three main economic indicators:
GDP(Gross Domestic Product): higher the GDP the more goods and services that country produces and the more prosperous it is
Income: reflects a person's financial resources and their ability to access goods & resources that contribute to their well being
Employment: Reflect a person's ability to access stable and decent-paying work = important factor for economic security and well being