behavioural characteristics - to do with ways in which people act
cognitive characteristics - to do with process of thinking, perceiving, and believing
emotional characteristics includes the ways in which people feel
phobias are an irrational fear of an object/situation
phobias are characterised by excessive fear + anxiety which is disproportionate to any real danger presented by stimulus - triggered phobia
behavioural characteristics - phobias
avoidance (go into alot of effort to avoid stimulus)
endurance (remains in presence of phobic stimulus but continues to experience high levels of anxiety)
emotional characteristics of phobias
anxiety - unpleasant state of high arousal which prevents sufferer from relaxing)
unreasonable emotional response - response goes beyond what is reasonable
cognitive characteristics - phobias
cognitivedistortion - perception of phobic stimulus may be distorted
irrationalbeliefs - hold irrational beliefs relating to phobic stimulus - certain beliefs increase pressure on sufferers
selectiveattention to phobic stimulus - hard to look away if phobic stimulus is seen - keeping attention on danger is good as it gives best chance of reacting quickly
forms of depression are characterised by changes to mood
behavioural characteristics of depression
activitylevels - reduced levels of energy (lethargic) - withdraw from work - opposite - psychomotor agitation (struggle to relax)
disruption to sleep + eating behaviour - insomnia + hypersomnia - weight gain or loss
aggressive + self harm - verbally and physically aggresive - self harm and suicide
emotional characteristics of depression
lowered mood - feel sad and worthless
anger - anger often felt which is directed towards self or others
lowered self esteem (self esteem is emotional experience of how much we like outselves
cognitive characteristics of depression
poor concentration - depression is associated with poor levels of concentration - unable to stick to task of make decisions which are usually straightforward
attending to and dwelling on the negatives - tend to pay attention to more negative aspects of situation and ignore positives
absolutist thinking - when in depressive mood - think in terms of situation being all good or all bad
OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder - person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours
behavioural characteristics for OCD
compulsions - compulsive behaviours which are repetitive (feel compelled to repeat behaviours) - compulsions can reduce anxiety
avoidance - attempt to manage OCD by avoiding situations which trigger anxiety
emotional characteristics of OCD
anxiety and distress - unpleasant emotional experiences due to powerful anxiety accompanying OCD - urge to repeat behaviour creates anxiety
accompanying depression - OCD often accompanied by depression (low mood _ lack of enjoyment)
guilt and disgust - negative emotions experienced which can be directed towards something external (dirt/self)
cognitive characteristics of OCD
obsessivethoughts - unpleasant
cognitive strategies to deal with obsessions - respond by developing coping strategies to cope with obsession - distract individuals from daily life
gain insight into excessive anxiety - experience catastrophic thoughts about worst case scenarios if anxieties were to be justified - hypervigilant