behavioural explanations - phobias

Cards (11)

  • two process model is behavioural explanation for phobias - including classical and operant conditioning - mowrer
  • two process model states phobias are acquired (learnt in first place) by classical conditioning and then continues because of operant conditioning (reinforcement)
  • classical conditioning and operant conditioning are involved in the two process model created by mowrer
  • classical conditioning is learning to associate something we have no fear with to something that already triggers fear response
  • example of classical conditioning applied to phobias - little albert study
    • watson/rayner
    • created phobia in 9 month old
    • taught albert to associate white rat (NS) with loud noise - iron bar (UCS) which created fear (UCR)
    • resulted in albert becoming frightened (CR)
    • whenever he saw white rat (CS) he became frightened
  • operant conditioning
    • mowrer explained reason why phobias are long lasting is because of operant conditioning
    • operant conditioning takes place when behaviours are reinforced/punished
    • suggests when we avoid phobic stimulus we escape fear + anxiety we would have suffered if we remained there
  • mowrer suggests phobias are acquired as result of classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
    • example - person terrified of spiders is likely to run away when they see one - escaped + reduction of fear acts as negative reinforcer (increase in avoiding spiders in future)
    • when we avoid phobic stimulus we successfully escape fear + anxiety we would have suffered if we remained there
    • reduction in fear - reinforces the avoidance behaviour whereby phobia is maintained
  • evaluation points for behavioural explan for phobias
    • cognitive aspects of phobia ignored (-)
    • application to real world (+)
    • incomplete explan of phobias
  • cognitive aspects of phobias ignored (-) - eval for explan of phobias
    • two process model is good as it explains the behavioural characteristics of phobias
    • however - known that there is cognitive element which explains behaviours - cognitive element hasnt been explained in two process model
    • limitation as model cannot fully explain how phobias develop alongside all characteristics associated with phobias
  • application to real world (+) as eval point for behavioural explan of phobias
    • two process model has been applied to real life situations through good explanatory power
    • model outline show phobias can be maintained over time were patients need to be exposed to feared stimulus during therapy
    • upon practicing prevention of avoidance behaviour in therapy - behaviours are ceased and start to decline
    • strength of two process model due to application to therapy
  • incomplete explan of phobias (-) - explan of phobias
    • researcher points out evolutionary factors have important role in acquiring phobias - two process model doesnt explain this
    • example - easily acquire phobias which have been source of danger in evolutionary past (snakes,dark)
    • however - rare to develop fear of cars/guns which are seen as more dangerous now
    • appears there is more to acquiring phobias than just conditioning (evolutionary factors)