suggested cognitive approach to explaining why some people are more vulnerable to depression than others
in particular due to persons cognitions (the way they think) - creates the vulnerability
3 parts of cognitive vulnerability - becks theory
faulty information processing
negative self schemas
negative triad
faulty information processing - becks cognitive theory
when depressed we tend to take care of negative aspects of situation - ignoring positives
tend to blow small problems out of proportion + think in black and white terms
negative self schemas - becks cognitive theory
schema is package of ideas + info developed through experience
schemas act as mental framework for understanding of sensory info
self schema is package of info that we have about ourselves - individuals with depression tend to have negative self schemas (think negatively about self)
negative triad - becks cognitive theory
person develops dysfunctional view of self because of 3 types of negative thinking (self/world/future)
occurs automatically regardless of whats happening at time - 3 elements for negative triad
ellis's ABC model
suggests good mental health is result of rational thinking (thinking in ways which allow people to be happy and free from pain)
ellis's ABC model explains how irrational thoughts affect our behaviour and emotional state
ABC MODEL - ellis
A - activating event - negative events trigger irrational beliefs
B - beliefs - event causes someone to have beliefs
C - consequences - irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotions such as depression - if you believe you must always succeed and then fail at something - this can trigger depression
evaluation points for cognitive explanations for depression
application to CBT (+)
doesnt explain all aspects of depression (-)
supporting evidence - beck (+)
not full explanation - ellis (-)
application to CBT (+)
strength for both beck and ellis's theory is that they have practical real life application
theories have led to development of therapies for treating depression such as CBT and REBT
theories work to challenge irrational beliefs to reduce depression
research to support that irrational thinking does play role in depression
doesnt explain all aspects of depression (-)
limitation of both ellis and becks explanations for depression is that they cannot explain complex aspects of depression
example - theories cant explain extreme anger, hallucinations and bizarre beliefs that some depressed individuals suffer from
important that all explanations and theories can explain different symptoms depressed individuals go through
therefore, both explanations can be seen as incomplete and unable to successfully explain depression
supporting evidence - beck (+)
there is research supporting idea that depression is associated with faulty information processing, negative schemas and negative triad
example - researcher found women more cognitively vulnerable when assessed before and after birth - more likely to suffer postnatal depression
clark and beck conducted review of research into depression - concluded there is solid support for all cognitive vulnerability factors
research analysis shows cognitive factors exist before individual develops depression - suggests persons cognitions play role in causing depression
not full explanation - ellis (-)
ellis's theory of depression is only particular to explaining depression
some cases of depression follow activating event (what ellis suggested) - known as reactive depression
reactive depression is seen as different to depression that arises without obvious cause
ellis's theory is limited as it only explains reactive depression
therefore, theory is limited as it cant fully explain all types of depression