[11] UCSP - Cultural, Social, and Political Institutions

Cards (63)

  • Kinship - one of the most complex systems of culture; defined as family ties with "social bond" based on common ancestry, marriage or adoption; people who are related through blood relations or marriage ties
  • Macionis (2012) - formally defined kinship as family ties with social bond based on common ancestry, marriage or adoption
  • Kinship by Blood
    • Matrilineal Descent
    • Patrilineal Descent
    • Unilineal Descent
    • Bilateral Descent
  • Matrilineal Descent - when people are considered members of the mother's group from birth onward
  • Patrilineal Descent - when people are considered members of the father's group from birth onward
  • Unilineal Descent - tracing of ancestry through only one parent (mother or father)
  • Bilateral Descent - equally related to both mother and father's side of the kin; creates links to everyone part of the kin, sometimes even those who are not part of the bloodline
  • In Philippines, tracing descent is bilateral.
  • Kinship by Marriage
    • Monogamy
    • Polygamy
    • Polygyny
    • Polyandry
    • Endogamy
    • Exogamy
  • Marriage - characteristic of human relations and social groupings that exists in all cultures; involves emotional and physical intimacy, sexual reproduction, companionship, legal rights and inheritance; social practice designed to address the needs of human beings
  • Monogamy - 1 partner only; marriage between a man and a woman that is widely accepted norm worldwide
  • Polygamy- more than 1 partner
  • Polygyny - more than 1 woman
  • Polyandry - more than 1 man; commonly practiced by Tibetan cultures
  • Endogamy - marriage within a group; practice where an individual chooses who to marry within a specific social or ethnic group or in a caste system
  • Exogamy - social practice of marrying outside a social group; traces kinship ties and social networks
  • Family
    • Nuclear Family
    • Extended Family
    • Reconstituted Family
  • Family - a group of 2 or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together; all related persons are considered as members of one family
  • Nuclear Family - family unit consisting of an adult male and female and dependent children; regarded as the basic universal form of family structure; family consisting of 2 generations, husband and wife and children; who constitute a unit from the rest of the community
  • Extended Family - when 3 or more generations live together in one household; grandparents, parents, and children; was popular amongst working-class individuals but is now more dominant within East-Asian families
  • Reconstituted Family - a form of family diversity that moves away from traditional notions of the family is the step-family which is now more commonly known as this or blended family
  • Political Dynasty - is formed in order to maintain political power
  • Kinship may be established politically through political alliances.
  • Political Organization - groups responsible for political and social cohesiveness, economic growth, and safety from internal and external threats
  • Power - exercise of will or force in order to achieve the desired outcome
  • Authority - ability to bring about results through one's status, reputation, and degree of respect received from its constitutents
  • Legitimacy - right and acceptance of one's power and authority without the threat or exercise of force
  • Kinds of Political Organizations
    • Bands
    • Tribes
    • Chiefdoms
    • State
  • Bands - small group of mostly nomadic people in pursuit of a particular group; to ensure survival and subsistence through foraging and hunting
  • Tribes - political group composed of several bands, occupying a particular territory with each having a common language and way of living; may be connected through a perceived common ancestor or lineage
  • Chiefdoms - composed of allied tribes and villages under one chief which can reach up to thousands of members; larger and more socially complex than tribes; more politically and economically centralized
  • Chief - considered to be an "office" or an "institution" rather than just someone who leads the economic activities of the group
  • State - political organization that, through the government, exercises sovereign rule over a population within a defined territory
  • Types of Authority
    • Traditional Authority
    • Charismatic Authority
    • Rational-Legal Authority
  • Traditional Authority - synonym of hereditary authority or authority passed through the bloodline of leaders, as in absolute monarchies
  • Charismatic Authority - authority drawn from a leader's personal charisma; the capacity of a leader to attract and retain loyal and devoted followings through their personal qualities, just like what some dictators and cult leaders are capable of
  • Rational-Legal Authority - authority drawn from legal and constitutional mandates that are usually collectively agreed upon and approved by those who are governed, as in what is practiced in many modern democratic countries
  • Economy - system which facilitates the movement of goods and services from the production stage to distribution and consumption
  • Goods - refer to all commodities such as food and clothing to luxury items such as cars and jewelry
  • Services - actions or activities done for an individual or a group