[11] UCSP - Education, Religion, Health, etc.

Cards (45)

  • Functions of Education in Society
    • Manifest
    • Latent
  • Manifest Functions of Education in Society
    • Socialization
    • Cultural Innovation and Transmission
    • Social Integration and Control
    • Social Placement
  • Latent Functions
    • Restricting Youth Activities
    • Forming Networks
    • Creation of Generation and Gaps
  • Most Important Goals of Education for the Individual and Society
    • Productive Citizenry
    • Self-Actualization
  • Productive Citizenry - idea that a citizen can create opportunities to become productive
  • Self-actualization - desire for self-fulfillment
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights - states everyone has right to education
  • UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
  • Education - a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights; promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits; powerful tool by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully as citizens
  • In the Philippines, primary education is considered a right of a child. It is enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution
  • Religion - social institution that social scientists recognize to exist and organized through sets of beliefs, behaviors, values, and norms of people; social act that establishes patterns through beliefs and practice; symbol-based system where objects and beliefs are symbolic
  • Animism - earliest and most primary form of religion; belief in spiritual beings and forces
  • Polytheism - from Greek work "polytheismos"; belief system that worships many deities; most common form of religion during the Bronze and Iron Age in Egypt, Greece and Rome (Mythological gods)
  • Poltheismos - means many gods
  • Monotheism - most widely practiced type of religion in the world today; belief in one supreme being (One God)
  • Christianism, Islam and Jewish are the most associated religions that practice monotheism
  • Types of Monotheistic Organization
    • Cult
    • Sect
    • Denomination
    • Ecclesia
  • Cult - new religious group that is small, extreme and at great odds with the norms and values of the larger society; headed by a leader that dominates the group
  • Sect - religious group that is a subset of a religion or denomination
  • Denomination - large and religious organization that slightly differs in its beliefs from other mainstream religions
  • Ecclesia - large religious group recognized nationally and holds a religious monopoly
  • In the Philippines, the constitution declares and provides for the separation of the church and the State (Article II, Sec. 6 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution). The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.
  • (Article III, Sec. 5) states that “No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
  • Separation of Church and State - introduced during the American Occupation of the Philippines as a reaction to the royal patronage; based from the protestant reformation of Martin Luther's doctrine of 2 separate kingdoms - faith (religion) and reason (state) separation during the Enlightenment period
  • Health - overall sense of well-being free from diseases
  • WHO - World Health Organization
  • Culture-specific Syndromes and Illnesses
    • Bughat
    • Usog
    • Buyag
  • Systems of Diagnosis, Prevention and Healing
    • Traditional
    • Western
    • Alternative Healing Systems
  • Medical Pluralism - co-existence or availability of the 2 options in society
  • Social Sciences - helps in addressing health problems/concerns by providing explanations based on studies to make sense health in the context of culture
  • Stratification - something that has been arranged into categories; system dividing people and groups into different levels according to a hierarchy of property, power, identities, and prestige
  • Social Stratification - kind and degree of distribution of resources within a social system; wealth, status, prestige, and privilege
  • Political Stratification - extent to which such inequalities are enclosed in, or influenced by, political structures and processes; involving influence, authority, or power
  • Social Desirables - affect social stratification
    • Wealth
    • Power
    • Prestige
  • Social Hierarchy - exists because of the unequal distribution of social desirables
  • Social Mobility System
    • Class System (Open)
    • Caste System (Closed)
  • Class System (Open) - provides the status of an individual based on possessions
  • Caste System (Closed) - determines the status of an individual upon birth and it is for the lifetime; individuals are not permitted to marry someone from another caste which makes social mobility not possible
  • Caste System in India
    • Brahman
    • Kshatriya
    • Vaishva
    • Shudra
    • Harijan or Dalit
  • Brahman - priests and scholars