Anthropomorphic and Gender-specific language about God

Cards (13)

  • The anthropomorphic tradition 

    To describe Jesus as the Son of God means that the second member of the Trinity, Jesus, was fully God, yet at the same time was God incarnated, Jesus was fully human. Most Christians accept this language when talking about God, however, it requires us to talk about God anthropomorphically.
  • The anthropomorphic tradition 

    It is anthropomorphic to describe God in human terms. The Bible often describes God in human terms. E.g. Genesis 2:2 God 'rested' from the work of creation and Genesis 6:6 God is 'sorry' and 'grieved' that he made humanity. God is portrayed as having human actions, emotions and body
  • The anthropomorphic tradition
    The ultimate anthropomorphism in the Bible is that God assumes Himself in human forms as the Son
  • Examples of anthropomorphism language about God
    To describe God as having human actions/emotions/body reduces God to the human level. If God has human characteristics he probably shares some human limitations. So, how can an all-powerful God be described in limiting terms.
    To say God judges and forgives suggests that God has a conscious brain like humans
    The creator must be separate because the universe can't be created from inside itself, so God must be transcendent. Anthropomorphic descriptions of God suggests God is part of the universe rather than the creator
  • Examples of anthropomorphism language about God
    Sigmund Freud understands the concept of God as wish-fulfilment, we desire a God who helps us, so we invent God in our own image
    How can such a limited God save humans from sin or be the object of worship? In summary, human language has developed over thousands of years and reflects human thoughts and values. It is therefore a challenge for us to understand how human language can be used about God and by God
  • Human Actions in Bible Verses
    Exodus 32:14 - 'So the Lord changed his mind...'
    Genesis 2:2 - '...and he rested on the seventh day'
  • Anthropomorphisms are used to describe God’s actions and behaviour rather than his physical appearance.
  • Human emotions in Bible verses 

    Genesis 6:6 'And the Lord was sorry...'
  • Human physique in Bible verses
    Numbers 6:24 - 'The Lord make his face shine on you'
  • Anthropomorphic language is gender specific, so God is male and is described as a father figure
  • The use of gender-neutral language
    'Man' (humankind) has become 'mortals/humankind'
    'Man' (male) has become 'person/anyone'
    'Son' becomes 'Child'
    'Father' becomes 'Parent'
  • Terms such as 'Father' or 'King' are part of patriarchal nature of Ancient times.
  • Feminist theology (e.g. Daphne Hampson) - the language of the Bible is clearly masculine. Therefore the 'truths' of Christianity are fundamentally flawed. We no longer live in a tribal male-dominated society. Monotheism means male monotheism essentially, why should women be subject to this? Why should women pray to a male God?