glaciers CSD

Cards (13)

  • tourist opportunities in Alps
    • money earned from tourists can be used to reinvest in the area
    • skiing is available near by so this provides job opportunities for locals
    • scenery of the alps is a pull factor for tourists
    • range of summer activities = rock climbing and paragliding
    • made an economy our of winter sports = skiing / bring in thousands of tourists
  • Hydro-electric power opportunities in Alps
    • over 500 power stations that can produce up to 2900 kilowatts of energy per hour
    • option to produce more renewable energy
    • significant energy source due to mountainous geomorphology
  • agriculture opportunities in alps
    • opportunities for livestock farming - sheep farming occurs on the upper slopes
    • grass and roots are able to grow in lowland areas in the winder --> feeding cattle = allows for farmers to make a living
  • forestry opportunities in the alps
    • due to difficulty of growing crops, silviculture is focused on
    • provides money for local governments/economy through timber and forest based activities= mountain biking and hiking
  • challenges to the alps
    • climate change
    • avalanches
    • hydro-electric power
    • forestry
    • climate and terrain
  • hydro-electric power challenges in alps
    • locals wants and have tied to propose new projects
    • negative effects on river ecosystem and adjust areas such as floodplains or forest as they disrupt the natural flow of rivers
  • climate change challenges in the alps
    • glaciers will continue to melt = flash floods / lead to more soil erosion
    • most people living in the alps have some connection to tourism
    • economic consequences are high
    • skiing resorts are going all out of businesses due to decrease of snowfall
    • habitats will begin to die out, due to changes in weather patters and temperature
  • forestry challenges for alps
    • impacts on habitats are irreversible
    • some cultures turned to mono-culture to maximise profit on trees which reduces biodiversity
  • climate and terrain challenges in alps
    • low temperatures and impassable rates = people can be snowed in during winter months
    • cold climate makes living conditions difficult
    • high areas have steep terrain which is hard to access and difficult to travel on
  • avalanches challenges in alps
    • snow boarders and skiers are killed as results, as well as occasional village fatalities
    • unconciliated snow the aspect of slope, along with human factors lead to several avalanches each year
    • two types of avalanches - powder and slab - both can kill
  • mitigation responses to challenges in alps
    • reducing or alleviating the impacts of severity of adverse conditions or events
    • mitigation in the alps is the potential hazard is the damage or threat that landslides or avalanches could cause.
    • Prevention methods could include building avalanche fence and blockages to reduce the impact
  • resilience towards challenges on the alps
    • the phycological quality of strengths of character, of being able to respond positively to adversity
    • houses face south mostly or downhill and have sloped roofs to allow snow to easily run off the surfaces and not to build up
  • adaptation to the challenges in alps
    • fitting into the natural system and local ways of life, which may involve changing behaviour
    • some locals residents would / ,ay have to give up land/farmland due to risk of flooding and landslides and have been forces to adapt their work