water/carbon cycle in contrasting locations

Cards (50)

  • 2 case studies for water and carbon cycles
    amazon rainforest
    arctic tundra
  • climatic features of amazon
    high annual temperatures between 25 and 30
    small seasonal variation in temperatures
    high average rainfall - 2000mm+ with no rainy season
  • evapotranspiration in amazon
    50-60% of precipitation is recycled by evapotranspiration
  • characteristics of precipitation in the amazon (water cycle)
    high average rainfall
    rainfall fairly evenly distributed through year
    high intensity, convection rainfall
    high interception by forest trees
    intercepted rainfall = 20-25% of all evaporation
  • characteristics of evapotranspiration in the amazon (water cycle)
    high rates due to high temperatures, abundant moisture and dense vegetation.
    strong evapotranspiration-precipitation feedback loops sustain high rainfall
    most evaporation is from intercepted moisture from leaf surfaces
  • characteristics of run-off in the amazon (water cycle)
    rapid run-off related to high rainfall, intense rain events and well-drained soils.
    river discharge peaks in 1/2 months per year
  • characteristics of the atmosphere in the amazon (water cycle)
    high temperatures allow atmosphere to store large amounts of moisture
    high absolute and relative humidity
  • characteristics of soil/groundwater in the amazon (water cyle)
    significant water storage in soils and aquifers due to abundant rainfall
  • characteristics of vegetation in the amazon (water cycle)

    rainforest trees store and absorb water from soil and release it by transpiration
  • net primary productivity in amazon
    high - average of 2500 grams/m2/year
  • amazon as carbon store
    stores around 2.4billion tonnes/year
  • effect of geology on water cycle in the amazon

    impermeable catchments have minimal water storage capacity = rapid run-off
    permeable and porous rocks e.g., limestone store rainwater and slow run-off
  • effect of relief on water cycle in the amazon
    majority of amazon is lowlands
    gentle relief = water moves via overland flow or through flow to streams and rivers
    in the west, the Andes create steep catchments with rapid run-off
  • effect of temperature on water cycle in the amazon
    high annual temperatures generate high rates of evapotranspiration
    convection is strong, leading to high atmospheric humidity, development of thunderstorm clouds and intense precipitation
  • physical factors affecting stores and flows in carbon cycle - forest trees
    forest trees dominate biomass of amazon and store around 100 billion tonnes in total
    absorb 2.4 billion tonnes a year and release 1.7 billion tonnes via decomposition
    60% of rainforest carbon is stored in above ground biomass
  • geology and the carbon cycle in the amazon
    carbonates largely absent in amazon basin
    in western areas of basin, outcrops of limestone occur which are large regional carbon stores in slow carbon cycle
  • deforestation rates 1970 - 2013
    17,500km squared/year
  • deforestation since 1970
    almost 1/5th of primary forest destroyed/degraded
  • flooding of madeira river 2014
    main driver was deforestation in bolivia and peru
    river reached 20m above normal in places
    60 died
    68,000 people evacuated
    outbreaks of cholera
  • effect of human activity in upper madeira basin
    deforestation reduced water storage in trees, soils, permeable rocks and atmosphere
    less trees = less evapotranspiration and less precipitation
    total run off and run off speeds have increased = higher flood risk
  • deforestation in bolivia 2000-2012
    30,000km2 of bolivian rainforest removed for subsistence farming and cattle ranching
    majority of this occurred on steep slopes of andes = massive reduction in water storage and accelerated run off
  • converting rainforest to grassland and impact on run-off
    increases run off by factor of 27
    half of all rain falling on grassland goes directly into rivers
  • future predictions of effects of deforestation in amazon
    20% decline in regional rainfall
  • human factors affecting carbon and nutrient flows and stores
    croplands and pasture contain only small amounts of carbon
    deforestation reduces inputs of organic matter into soil. soils depleted of carbon support fewer decomposer organisms, reducing flow of carbon from soil to atmosphere
    deforestation destroys main nutrient store and removes majority of nutrients from ecosystem
    nutrients no longer taken up by roots are leached away
  • brazil commitment 2030
    restore 120,000km squared of rainforest by 2023
  • 3 categories of managing the amazon rainforest
    protection via legislation of primary forest
    projects to reforest ares degraded/destroyed
    improving agricultural techniques
  • protected areas in the amazon by 2015
    44% of brazilian amazon comprised of national parks, wildlife reserves and indigenous reserves
    Amazon regional protected areas cover area 20x size of belgium
  • parica project in western amazon
    sustainable forestry scheme aiming to develop 1000km squared commercial timber plantation on government owned land
    ? monoculture and so cant replicate biodiversity of primary forest
    ! sustainable and sequesters carbon in trees and soil; reduces co2 emissions, re-establishes water and carbon cycles; reduces run-off and leaching
  • UN's REDD scheme
    provides payment to Surui tribe for protecting rainforest and abandoning logging.
    grants credits to tribe which can then be bought by international companies that have exceeded carbon quotas
  • improved agricultural techniques
    diversification - soil fertility maintained by rotational cropping and combining livestock and arable operations
    human engineered soils - soils made of inputs of charcoal, waste and human manure. attract micro-organisms and allow soils to retain fertility long term = allow intensive permanent cultivation ? still in production
  • climatic conditions in tundra
    temps below freezing for 8/9 months
    temps below -40 in winter
    mean annual precipitation is low
  • key features of water cycle in arctic tundra
    low annual precipitation (50-250mm) with majority falling as snow
    small stores of moisture in atmosphere due to low temperatures
    limited transpiration
    low rates of evaporation
    limited groundwater and soil moisture soils - permafrost barrier
    sharp increase in river flow in spring/summer due to melting of active layer
    temporary storage of water in summer due to permafrost barrier
  • carbon cycle in tundra
    vast carbon sink - 1600GT globally
    low carbon accumulation due to low temperatures slowing decomposition
    amount of carbon in tundra soils = 5x greater than above soil biomass
  • NPP in tundra
    less than 200grams/m2/year
  • decomposition in tundra
    snow cover can insulate microbial organisms and allow some decomposition
  • effect of temperature on water cycle in tundra
    temperatures below freezing for most of year so water stored as ground ice in permafrost.
    temperature increase in summer means top 1 metre thaws
    meltwater forms pools and lakes
    drainage is poor due to permafrost
    winter - sub-zero temperatures mean no evapotranspiration
    summer - some evapotranspiration occurs from standing water, saturated soils and vegetation
  • effect of permeability on water cycle in tundra
    low due to permafrost and crystalline rocks dominating geology
  • effect of rock permeability on water cycle in tundra
    rock surface underlying tundra reduced to gently sloping plain by erosion and weathering = impede drainage and contribute to waterlogging in summer
  • effect of temperature on carbon cycle in tundra
    limited plant growth (also due to unavailability of liquid water and little nutrients) = total carbon biomass store is low and low NPP
    short growing season (3 months) in summer
    carbon mainly stored as partly decomposed plant remains frozen in permafrost - locked away for 500,000 years
    low temperatures and waterlogging = slow decomposition and respiration
  • effect of permeability on carbon cycle in tundra
    little influence due to impermeability of permafrost