Combo friendship montage

Cards (16)

  • This montage is a complete binary opposition to the previous montage.
  • Beginning with an ELS foregrounding Pukey in a vast, isolated, open landscape as Combo drives away representing the selfish nature of the new gang that is willing to sacrifice members: there is no friendship in this gang.
  • This gang is indoctrinated by the national front: a politically defined gang.
  • Combo = the false hero
  • The non-diegetic soundtrack / combo leitmotif of 'Fuori Dal Mondon' is a meloncholic piano score stripping the fun from the scene.
  • The LA tracking slow motion shot walking down the street visually parallels Woodys group but replaces the happy tone with a tragic one. Shawn shows the camera to be moving away from the gang, there is a sinister and threatening tone.
  • The costuming has gained a militaristic influence, linking to Combo calling his friends 'troops', through this Shane makes a critique of the indoctrination of the nationalist on the skinhead
  • The dissolve of the St Georges flag (a symbolic code) represents Shaun's new engagement with nationalism, as well as the trench coat (symbolic code) of his indoctrination - two symbols he gets rid off at the end of the film.
  • The strict camera work instead of handheld distances the audience from the violence (Combo racially threatening the young boy) acting as meadows acknowledging the racist tragedy and wanting the audience to do so aswell.
  • The LA trucking shot of Shaun walking through the graffiti covered tunnel, dissolves of them swirling around the frame juxtaposes the collective trucking shot from Woodies montage, showing the Todorov disruption + voglers hero's test, allies and enemies.
  • Shane visualises the indoctrination by Combo with insert shot of him stick and poking a cross tattoo onto Shauns finger, the CU shots reveal the characters performance to be sad, watching it happen. Shawn only smiles once he see's Combo smile.
  • Finally, the montage closes in a MS outside the car with the false hero / donor gifting Shaun a St Georges Flag
  • The three main montages mark the stages in Shauns journey.
  • Shane presents an anti-right wing / thatcher ideology through the ( Levi Strauss) binary oppositions of these two montages.
  • The binary opposition between woody and combo, and the gangs in total. Meadows drawing attention to the conflicting disparity between the first and second wave of the skinheads – before and after the national front and right wing ideology infiltrated them.
  • Conforms to the Coming of age genre as Shaun is on his journey to discovering himself.