Water + Carbon

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  • Systems
    Composed of: Inputs - Where matter or energy is added to the system, Outputs - Where matter or energy leaves the system, Stores - Where matter or energy builds up in the system, Flows - Where matter or energy moves in the system, Boundaries - Limits to the system (e.g. watershed)
  • Open systems
    Systems that receive inputs and transfer outputs of energy or matter with other systems
  • Closed systems
    Systems where energy inputs equal outputs
  • Dynamic equilibrium
    When inputs equal outputs despite changing conditions
  • Positive feedback
    A chain of events that amplifies the impacts of the original event
  • Negative feedback
    A chain of events that nullifies the impacts of the original event, leading to dynamic equilibrium
  • On a local scale the carbon and water cycles are both open systems, but on a global scale, they are closed systems
  • Each of these systems contains flows/transfers, inputs, outputs and stores/components
  • Local drainage basin system
    An open system where water may be lost as an output through evapotranspiration and runoff, but more water may be gained as an input through precipitation
  • Inputs, outputs, flows and stores that drive and cause changes in the water cycle over time
    • Precipitation
    • Evapotranspiration
    • Streamflow
  • Precipitation
    Any water that falls to the surface of the earth from the atmosphere including rain, snow and hail
  • Types of rainfall
    • Convectional
    • Relief
    • Frontal
  • Evapotranspiration
    Compromised of evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation occurs when water is heated by the sun, causing it to become a gas and rise into the atmosphere. Transpiration occurs in plants when they respire through their leaves, releasing water they absorb through their roots, which then evaporates due to heating by the sun
  • Streamflow
    All water that enters a drainage basin will either leave through the atmosphere, or through streams which drain the basin
  • Infiltration
    The process of water moving from above ground into the soil. The infiltration capacity refers to how quickly infiltration occurs
  • Overland flow
    When precipitation falls at a greater rate than the infiltration capacity
  • Percolation
    Water moves from the ground or soil into porous rock or rock fractures. The percolation rate is dependent on the fractures that may be present in the rock and the permeability of the rock
  • Throughflow
    Water moves through the soil and into streams or rivers. Speed of flow is dependent on the type of soil
  • Surface runoff (Overland flow)

    Water flows above the ground, as sheetflow (lots of water flowing over a large area), or in rills (small channels similar to streams, that are unlikely to carry water during periods where there is not any rainfall)
  • Groundwater flow
    Water moves through the rocks. Ensures that there is water in rivers, even after long period of dry weather
  • Streamflow
    Water that moves through established channels
  • Stemflow
    Flow of water that has been intercepted by plants or trees, down a stem, leaf, branch or other part of a plant
  • Stores
    • Soil water - Water stored in the soil which is utilised by plants
    • Groundwater - Water that is stored in the pore spaces of rock
    • River channel - Water that is stored in a river
    • Interception - Water intercepted by plants on their branches and leaves before reaching the ground
    • Surface storage - Water stored in puddles, ponds, lakes etc.
  • Water table
    The upper level at which the pore spaces and fractures in the ground become saturated
  • Water balance
    Used to express the process of water storage and transfer in a drainage basin system and uses the formula: Precipitation = Total Runoff + Evapotranspiration +/- (change in) Storage
  • The water balance of an area will change dependent on physical factors, especially during seasonal variations of temperature and precipitation
  • Impacts on the water cycle on a local scale
    • Deforestation
    • Storm events
    • Seasonal changes
    • Agriculture
    • Urbanisation
  • Soil water budget
    Shows the annual balance between inputs and outputs in the water cycle and their impact on soil water storage/availability
  • The maximum possible level of storage of water in the soil is field capacity. Once the field capacity is reached, any rainfall after this will not infiltrate the soil and is likely to cause flooding
  • Seasonal variation of the soil water budget
    • Autumn - Greater input from precipitation than output from evapotranspiration, soil moisture levels increase
    • Winter - Potential evapotranspiration from plants reaches a minimum, precipitation continues to refill the soil water stores
    • Spring - Potential evapotranspiration increases as plants start growing again, still a water surplus
    • Summer - Evapotranspiration peaks, rainfall is at a minimum, soil water stores are depleting, a water deficit may occur
  • The global water cycle is comprised of many stores, the largest being oceans, which contain 97% of global water
  • Only 2.5% of stores are freshwater of which 69% is glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets and 30% is groundwater. Surface and other freshwater only accounts for around 1%
  • In summer, the hotter weather leads to
    Utilisation of soil water as evapotranspiration peaks and rainfall is at a minimum
  • The output from evapotranspiration is greater than the input from precipitation
    The soil water stores are depleting
  • If there is a long hot summer and spring, a lack of winter rainfall, or a drought the year before
    A water deficit may occur
  • Global water stores
    • Oceans (97%)
    • Freshwater (2.5%)
    • Glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets (69% of freshwater)
    • Groundwater (30% of freshwater)
    • Surface and other freshwater (1% of global stores)
  • Areas where water can be stored
    • Hydrosphere (any liquid water)
    • Lithosphere (water stored in the crust and upper mantle)
    • Cryosphere (any water that is frozen)
    • Atmosphere (water vapour)
  • Aquifers
    Underground water stores that are unevenly distributed globally
  • Shallow groundwater aquifers
    • Can store water for up to 200 years
  • Deeper fossil aquifers
    • Formed during wetter climatic periods, may last for 10,000 years