there are 37 genes in the mitochondria, inherited from your mother
completeset of an individualschromosomes
structural defects
deletions, insertions, translocations, inversions
diploid cells
haploid cells
gamete, 23
Human cells are diploid, thus containing two alleles of each gene
Homozygous: alleles for a particular trait are the same
Heterozygous: alleles for a particular trait are different
Genotype: describes the geneticmaterial of an individual, and describes the alleles an individual carries for a particular gene or geneticlocation
Phenotype: describes the observablecharacteristics of an individual, is determined by the genotype in combination of environmental factors
mendels laws of inheritance
segregation, independent assortment, dominance
Law of segregation
alleles in each pair separate when cells divide to create gametes, so that each gamete carries only1 allele for each gene
Law of independent assortment
the alleles of differentgenes are sorted into gametes independently of oneanothe
Law of dominance
some alleles are dominant, whilst others are recessive. An organism with at least one dominant allele will display this effect
Autosomal dominant inheritance:
Individuals who have onemutantallele of disease gene are affected, The presence of one normal allele cannot prevent disease. if one parent is affected: 50% risk. example: huntingtons
autosomal recessive
disease phenotype only when someone is homozygous for recessivedisease allele, if both parents are carriers: 25% risk, eg. cystic fibrosis
sex linked inheritance
influenced by genes located on X or Y chromosome and exhibit uniquepatterns of inheritance, more common in males
X linked recessive inheritance
mutation on Xchromosome, males more effected, no father to son transmission, eg. duchenne muscular dystrophy
Contribution of bothalleles is visible in the phenotype
E.g., ABObloodgroup
Polygenic inheritance:
determined by interactions of 2 or more genes. eg height and skincolour
Multifactorial inheritance:
influenced by multiplegenes and environment, no specific inheritance patterns eg. diabetes
A disease shows complete penetrance if all individuals who carry the disease gene are affectedbythedisease. Some traits have reduced penetrance: the phenotypedoesnotoccur as often as would be predicted by the genotype, disease may skip generations
Variable expressivity means individuals with same genotype may exhibitdifferentdegrees of the phenotype, may be caused by environmental factors
Epigenetic inheritance:
Disease involves changes in DNA packaging without a change to the DNA sequence e.g. DNA methylation
Mitochondrial inheritance:
Involve small number of genes located on mitochondrial DNA, Pattern of inheritance due to mitochondrial DNA only being inheritedfrommother