
Cards (11)

  • Unique selling point (USP): the special feature of a product that differentiates it from the products of competitors
  • Brand name: the unique name of a product that distinguishes it from other brands
  • Brand loyalty: when consumers keep buying the same brand again and again instead of choosing a competitor's brand.
  • Brand image: an image or identity given to a product that gives it a personality of its own and distinguishes it from its competitors' brands.
  • Packaging: the physical container or wrapping for a product
  • Product life cycle: the stages a product will pass through from its introduction, through its growth until it is mature, and then finally its decline.
  • Extension strategy: a way of keeping a product at the maturity stage of the life cycle and extending the cycle.
  • Benefits of developing new products
    • help create USP
    • keep products up to date
    • enter new market
    • diversification
    Drawbacks of developing new products
    • market research is expensive, time consuming
    • investment can be very expensive
  • Branding:
    • establish and develop brand name
    • create brand image and identity
    • encourage brand loyalty
  • Role of packaging:
    • product protection
    • promotional effect
    • information helps consumer
    • recyclable
  • Extension strategies:
    • Finding new markets for the product
    • Finding new uses for the product
    • Redesigning the product or the packaging to improve its appeal to consumers
    • Increasing advertising and other promotional activities