descriptive statistics

Cards (4)

  • measures of central tendency
    results generated from research are raw data that needs summarising by working out measure of central tendency
    mean - adding up all scores in data set and dividing by total number of scores - only measure that includes all data
    median - middle score - putting scores in order and finding middle
    mode - most common score within data set - can be bi-modal (two modes) or no mode if all scores are different - mode can sometimes be only data that can be used like data in categories
  • measures of central tendency evaluation
    mean: advantage - sensitive measure (uses all scores) - disadvantage - skewed my extreme scores
    median: advantage - not skewed by extreme scores - disadvantage - not a sensitive measure
    mode: advantage - not skewed by extreme scores - disadvantage - not a sensitive measure
  • measures of dispersion
    tells us how spread out the scores are using the range and standard deviation
    range - simplest calculation - subtracting lowest score from highest - large range = large spread, small range = small spread
    standard deviation (SD) - takes all scores in data set into account - large SD = large spread, small SD = small spread - uses all scores and shows average deviation of these scores from mean - small SD shows scores closely clustered around mean and large SD widely spread out from mean
  • measures of dispersion evaluation
    Range: advantage - easy to calculate - disadvantage - not a sensitive measure
    standard deviation: advantage - sensitive measures - disadvantage - difficult to calculate (uses all scores)