Digestive System

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  • stomach
    An organ of the digestive system where most mechanical & chemical digestion of food happens
  • esophagus
    A muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach.
  • large intestine

    Absorbs water and forms feces
  • Liver
    makes bile, breaks down and eliminates toxins, such as nitrogen containing compounds
  • mouth
    (oral or buccal cavity), is formed by the cheeks, hard and soft palates, lips, and tongue.
  • small intestine

    Long hollow tube where most absorption of nutrients occurs
  • pancreas
    An organs in the abdominal cavity with two roles. The first is to produce digestive enzymes . The second is to secrete insulin into the bloodstream to help regulate blood glucose levels.
  • gall bladder
    An organ that stores bile and releases it as needed into the small intestine
  • The 5 parts of the digestive process.
    Ingestion, movement, mechanical/chemical digestion, absorption, & defecation.
  • gastrointestinal tract
    another name for alimentary canal
  • rectum
    stores solid waste and compresses into more solid form in preparation for defecation.
  • chemical digestion

    breaking down food with enzymes
  • mechanical digestion

    crushing, mashing or breaking down food into smaller pieces
  • colon
    another name for the large intestine
  • duodenum
    first part of small intestine
  • chyme
    A thin liquid, that is the result of the mechanical and chemical activities of the stomach.
  • carbohydrase
    enzyme that breaks down starches into sugars
  • hydrochloric acid
    kills bacteria in stomach and gives an acidic environment for enzymes to work
  • rugae
    folds in the stomach that increase surface area
  • villi
    fingerlike projections in the small intestine that increase surface area
  • deciduous teeth

    another name for primary teeth (baby or milk teeth)
  • pharynx
    section of GI tract that connects the mouth to the esophagus.
  • peristalsis
    involuntary squeezing action of the muscles in the digestive system; causes food to move through
  • epiglottis
    flap of tissue that covers the trachea when swallowing food
  • bacteria (E-Coli)

    organisms found in the large intestine that help with digestion of solid matter
  • salivary gland
    produces of saliva
  • pepsin
    an enzyme that converts protein into amino acids
  • lipase
    an enzyme that converts fats (lipids) into fatty acids and glycerol
  • indigestion
    pain in stomach caused by too much acid
  • feces
    Solid waste eliminated by the anus
  • ingestion
    process of consuming food and liquid
  • fiber
    crucial for bulking up food for efficient digestion
  • carbohydrate
    our primary source of energy in food
  • protein
    for growth and repair of tissue
  • fats
    for insulation and secondary energy source
  • cecum
    the cavity in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum opens
  • jejunum
    second part of the small intestine
  • ilium
    last section of the small intestine, connects to the cecum of the large intestine
  • saliva
    The fluid released when the mouth waters that plays an important role in both mechanical and chemical digestion
  • transverse colon
    passes horizontally from right to left toward the spleen