Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide and the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent (ranking above HIV/AIDS)
A term used to describe bacteria that resist decolorization with acidified alcohol once they have been stained, so they retain the pink to red color with carbol fuchsin
Their acid-fastness property depends on the integrity of their unique cell walls that contain large amounts of lipids (long-chain fatty acids C78–C90) called mycolic acids or hydroxymethoxy acids
They are generally considered gram-positive, but because of their thick waxy cell wall, the bacterial cells of mycobacteria do not stain well with crystal violet, the primary stain used in the Gram's stain
Thin, slightly curved bacilli that measure 0.3 to 0.6 × 1 to 4 µm
Strongly acid-fast (pink to red staining), with a distinct beaded appearance due to volutin granules known as Much's granules
Either grow as discrete rods in Chinese letter (X, Y, V & L) configuration, or as aggregates of numerous bacilli that are arranged in long, parallel strands called serpentine cords
Strict aerobe
Slow grower, with a generation time of 15-20 hours
NTM colonies that develop yellow pigment on exposure to light after being grown in the dark (nonpigmented in dark) and take longer than 7 days to appear on solid media
NTM colonies that develop yellow pigment on exposure to light after being grown in the dark (nonpigmented in dark) and take longer than 7 days to appear on solid media