Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory

Cards (8)

  • Innate and Adaptive
    proposed an evolutionary explanation of attachment - It aids the survival of the infant by ensuring its safety
  • Critical Period
    saw the first two years of life as a critical period for the development of attachment - if one was not formed during this time it would be more difficult later
  • Social Releasers
    particular features that trigger caregiving behaviours from their caregivers for example smiling and crying
  • Monotropy
    innate tendency to become attached to one particular person - this attachment is different and more important than other attachments.
  • Internal Working Model
    their primary attachment figure forms a mental representation of this relationship. From this the infant will construct their internal working model which consists of rules and expectations concerning their relationships and attachments with other people
  • Limitation (Bowlby)
    Socially sensitive issue –This is because it has major implications for the lifestyle choices mothers make when their children are young
  • the law of accumulated separation
    states that having substantial time apart from a primary attachment figure increases the risk of a poor quality attachment
  • Strength (Bowlby)
    Support for the Internal working model - Hazan and Shavers found that adult romantic love can be related back to an individual’s attachment history