Depression stuff

Cards (53)

  • NIBS = non invasive brain stimulation
  • tDCS = transcranial direct current stimulation
  • TM = transmagnetic stimulation
  • TMS is an electromagnetic induction with a pulse with a constant frequency that can increase or decrease excitability
  • Anode in tDCS provokes increased cortical excitability
  • Cathode in tDCS provokes decreased cortical excitability
  • tDCS involves a weak current (2 mA) during 20 minutes, depending on the polarity you'll have different effects
  • In depression there is a decreased reactivity to stress. This is because the over excitability of the DLPFC = meaning also an over-sensibility to stress.
  • Right part brain in depression is hyper and left part is hypo
  • The lasting effects depend on low/high frequency and electrode polarity (anode/cathode)
  • local effect = immediate responses of brain
  • local offline effect = changes in the brain that persist after stimulation has ended, aka the "neuroplastic" changes
  • distal effects = changes of brain activity and connectivity occuring in areas not directly affected by stimulation
  • Example of level A evidence is the anode of tDCS over the left DLPFC
  • if you want to stimulate things : for mood it's on the left and for anxiety on the right
  • if TMS on the motor cortex then inducing MEP aka motor evoked potentials
  • Why stimulating the DLPFC ?
    Because by increasing activity in there you get more NT realsed in hippocampus and striatum which therefore will have an impact on hypothalamus and pituitary.
  • NICB → DLPFC →  stimulation of hippocampus and striatumhypothalamuspituitary →  adrenal gland
  • The DLPFC is the dorso lateral prefrontal cortex
  • MDD can lead to other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity
  • MDD symptoms related to the bio psycho social model
  • GWAS is the genome wide association sudies is a large scale study to identify MDD genetic factors
  • MDD risk factors are very polygenic (a lot of genes that have a small effects) but there are combined to the different types of MDD
  • Genetic related pathways that are altered in MDD can be :
    • histocompatibility complex genes = immune system
    • calcium signalling genes in neurons
    • DA and glut neurotransmission
    • synaptic vesicle trafficking genes
  • Hypoactivity of the left DLPFC in MDD
  • Hyperactivity in right DLPFC, amygdala, hippocampus, ACC and thalamus in MDD
  • Animal models can be created from behaviour like :
    • early life stressors
    • stress applied during adulthood
  • Early life stressors in animal models can be :
    • maternal separation
    • poor mothering
  • Chronic stress applied during adulthood in animal models can be :
    • social instability
    • learned helplessness
    • social defeat stress
    • social transmission of stress
  • Biological modes in animal models of MDD can be :
    • LPS injection
    • Bulbectomy
    • Corticosterone drinking
    • Genetic model
    • Optogenetic manip
  • Behavioral tets on rodents can be used in order to test out :
    • anhedonia = sucrose or cookie test
    • dispair = forced swim & tail suspension
    • apathy = grooming & nest building
    • anxiety = forced confrontation or motivational conflict
  • To test anhedonia in mice you can use tests like sucrose or cookie test
  • To test dispair in mice you can use tests like forced swiming and tail suspension test
  • To test apathy in mice you can use tests like grooming and nest building
  • To test anxiety in mice you can use tests like open field test or feeding suppression
  • Tricylic antidepressants (TCAs) can block :
    • SERT (5HT transporter)
    • NET (NE transporter)
    • H1 and 5HT2 receptors (5HT Rc)
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are blocking :
    MAO A or MAO B which are both targetting enzymes that degradate dopamine
  • Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) block serotonin transporters
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) can block :
    • SERT (5HT reuptake transporter)
    • NET (NE reuptake transporter)
  • Alzheimer's disease can reduce depressive behavior, anhedonia and anxiety