political change: until 1920 the island of ireland was a single entity of 32 counties
ireland was partitioned into 2 separate political entities:
northern ireland (6 counties)
the free state (later becoming the republic)-26 counties
it changed through both peaceful democratic efforts:
daniel o'connell- catholic emancipation (early 1800s)
charles stewart parnell and irish parliamentary party (late 1800s)
john redmond (early 1900s)
as wll as through violent acts:
1798 uprising
easter uprising 1916
the war of independence (1919-1921)
the government of ireland act 1920-the act of the westminister government that created two different states on the island: "northern ireland" and the "irish free state" (partition)
the unionist party- the dominant political party in northern ireland-could not be challenged because of of the large majority of unionists in elections
the nationalists party-represented one third of the population
joe devlin- leader of the nationalist party
james craig- the prime minister of northern ireland from 1920-1940
the orange order-a protestant organisation that upholds protestant traditions such as parades and marches
royal ulster constabulary-an armed police force set up in 1922
B-specials - a reserve (part time) police force
the specials powers act (1922)- this gave the RUC and the B-specials wide-ranging powers of arrest and imprisonment
harland and wolff-the name of the biggest ship building companies in belfast
gerrymandering - re drawing the boundaries of constituencies to make sure the unionist party always has a majority in elections
catholics lost their job in the civil service
some industries operated (unofficial) protestant only recruiting policies
schools run by the catholic church were given less help that those run by protestants churches
sectarianism-suspicion of, and often a violent confrontal between two subdivisions of a group; often based on religious ideas
ie; two different forms of christianity: catholicism and protestantism
catholics and protestants dock workers co-operated in protesting against job losses
quickly this co-operation broke down into sectarian riots in 1935