Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988)

Cards (5)

  • AIM (van ljendoorn)

    conducted a study to investigate the proportion of secure, insecure-avoidant and insecure-resistant attachment across a range of countries, also looked at the difference within the same country to get an idea of the variations within a culture.
    They carried out a meta-analysis of the findings from 32 studies carried out in 8 different countries using the strange situation to measure attachment
  • Meta-analysis findings (van ljendoorn)
  • Strength (Van ljendoorn)
    Population Validity – the combination of results of
    attachment studies carried out in different countries ended with a very large sample, there was a total of nearly 2000 babies and their primary attachment figure.
  • Limitation (Van ljendoorn)
    Imposed Etic- The Strange Situation (which was developed in the U.S.) may not be an appropriate way of measuring attachment types in other cultures as the Strange Situation reflects the norms and values of American culture.