John Adams's Presidency Notes

Cards (16)

  • Why was John Adams a well-known figure in the US?
    • He was the Vice President under George Washington
    • His role in the American Revolution
  • Who was his main opponent in the election of 1796?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • How was this campaign different from modern campaigns?
    He didn't campaign for himself; his party did
  • Where did Adams fare well in the election? Where did he not fare well?
    He did well in Northern states; Jefferson did well in the Southern states
  • How was the Vice President chosen?

    Whoever came in second was given the role of Vice President. It was the customary practice during the time.
  • What issue did the US start to have with France? What caused this?
    France began to seize American ships going to Britain, and this was caused due to the "Jay Treaty" as it supported the British at France's expense.
  • How did Adams attempt to avoid war with France?
    Sent diplomats to negotiate a deal
  • How did the XYZ Affair begin?
    Three French diplomats known as "X," "Y," and "Z" demanded a bribe to the foreign minister
  • What were the demands of the French?
    $12 million loan to the French Government
  • How did the US respond to the bribe?
    Americans were outraged and wanted to go to war with France
  • How did Adams respond?
    Refused to start a war
  • What was the Quasi War?
    A war fought between American ships and French pirates. It lasted for 2 years.
  • Why did the XYZ Affair lead to the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
    The Federalists believed that the Democratic-Republican criticism of Federalist policies was disloyal and feared that aliens living in the US would sympathize with the French during a war, and therefore, four laws were passed which are known as the Alien and Sedition Acts.
  • How did Adams upset both prominent political parties?
    Refused war, angered the Federalists
    Passed Alien and Sedition Acts, angered the Jeffersonians
  • Who promoted the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • What did each of these Resolutions state?
    • Each state has the fight to nullify a federal law (nullify = disregard)