Death penalty

Cards (5)

  • When was the Death Penalty abolished in Great Britain?
    It was abolished in 1969 for murder however it took many years before it was abolished for all crimes. The last executions took place were in 1964.
  • How has it informed policy development around the world?
    Many countries around the world (USA but not in every state) still have the death penalty.
    However in states that do not have the death penalty, murder rates are significantly lower compared to those that do have the death penalty.
    These statistics suggest that the death penalty is not a deterrent at all.
  • How has it informed policy development in the UK?
    The UK temporarily abolished the death penalty in 1965.
    They monitored the murder rate in the following years and it did not increase, therefore the decision to abolish permanently for murder in the UK was finally made in 1969.
  • Pros of the death penalty.
    -Ultimate deterrent.
    -It alleviates the problem of prison overcrowding.
    -Gives closure to the victim's families
    -If a prisoner is not euthanised, they could escape and kill again
    -The endless appeals clog up the CJS
    -Forensics are now more advanced, wrongful execution is avoided.
  • Cons of the death penalty.
    -Eye for an eye policies show society hasn't advanced
    -Counterproductive- gives perps sympathy
    -Mentally ill inmates can be put to death
    -Wrongful convictions can still take place
    -It is traumatic for the family + defendant
    -Does not bring victim back to life
    -Costs more money than life imprisonment.