Jeffersonian Era Notes

Cards (25)

  • Who was Jefferson's opponent in the Election of 1800?
    John Adams
  • Who wins the popular vote?
    Jefferson wins the popular vote
  • How was the Vice President determined?
    Usually, the runner up got it
  • Why did the Electoral College cast many votes for Aaron Burr?
    They wanted Burr to be the Vice President
  • How did this create a problem?
    This created a tie and they had to pick the President
  • Who had to choose the President now?
    The House of Representatives
  • Who were many of the Federalists thinking of choosing?
    Aaron Burr
  • How does Alexander Hamilton help Jefferson?
    He urged Federalists to vote for Jefferson so that he would win (cause he had beef with Burr)
  • What are three things Jefferson did upon becoming President?
    • Pardoned those convicted under the Alien and Sedition Acts
    • Eliminated excise taxes
    • Reduced size of the government, reducing national debt
  • How did the Judiciary Act impact the Supreme Court?
    It reduced the Supreme Court from 6 Justices to 5.
  • What did John Adams do before he left office?
    He appointed many judges in the last days of his Presidency, many being Federalists
  • Why were these people called the "Midnight Judges?"

    Because Adams did it last minute. At the very last possible second.
  • Who was William Marbury?
    One of the "Midnight Judges"
  • Why did Jefferson not want to give him the job promised by Adams?
    Because he was a Federalist, not a Jeffersonian
  • What does Marbury do?
    He took the case to the Supreme Court
  • How did the court decide?
    Against Marbury, declaring the Judiciary Act as unconstitutional
  • Why is this considered a landmark case?
    It set a precedent; established the power of Judicial review
  • Why was Jefferson concerned about Napoleon and the French?
    Napoleon had dreams of a global empire and had recently gained control of the Louisiana Territory
  • What does Jefferson decide to do?
    Jefferson tries to buy the Orleans Territory from France for $10 million
  • What happens that influences Napoleon's decision?
    Napoleon was losing a lot of battles and men, there was a major uprising in Haiti, and they were constantly battling Britain
  • What is the final deal that is made?
    The entire Louisiana Territory was sold for $15 million (3 cents an acre)
  • What position does Aaron Burr decide to run for?
    Governor of New York (because he disliked the VP position)
  • How does Alexander Hamilton influence this election?
    He encourages voters to not vote for Burr (because they were beefing)
  • How does Burr react?
    Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel
  • What happens next?
    They both fired by Hamilton missed; he later died from his injuries sustained from the duel. They ruined Burr's reputation and career in politics