The Shema states "Hear O Isreal, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Worship him with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might"
The Amidah concludes with thanksgiving to God and request for him to fulfill the spiritual and physical needs of humanity
The Talmud recommends that men and women are separated for worship
TOP TIP: remember that any of the ten commandments can be used as a source of wisdom and authority
The Hagadah tells the story of passover and instructs Jews on the order of food on the Sedar plate
Leviticus states that anyone who doesn't fast on Yom Kippur will be cut off from his people
Jews rest on Shabbat because one of the ten commandments states that Jews must honour the Sabbath day by keeping it holy and not doing any work
In the Torah, it describes how God commanded Abraham to circumcise himself and all his male descendants
The Siddur is a prayer book used by Jews. It contains set prayers
Psalm 55 says that Jews should pray morning, noon and night
In Deuteronomy, it instructs Jews to not cook a baby goat in its mothers milk and says only eat fish with fins and scales
In Leviticus, it states that Jews should only eat animals which "chew the cud" and have a split hoof, and it says that all the blood must be drained before eating an animal.
Worship in the synagogue allows Jews to worship God with all their "heart" "soul" and "might"
Leviticus says do not make cuttings of thef lesh
Leviticus says Rosh Hashanah is a time for complete rest
Rosh Hashanah remembers the creation of the world, and gives thanks for God creating humans. Jewish people remember how in Genesis, it states that God made man in his image