Origins of psychology

Cards (3)

  • Wundt
    -Wundt distanced the study of the mind and behaviour from philosophy which uses logic and reason.
    -opened the first psychological lab in Germany.
    -He ensured all procedures were standardised in order for replication and findings can be assessed for reliability.
    -was an advocate for the scientific method to study conscious mental experiments and behaviours.
  • Introspection
    -Systematic and scientific way of investigating and reporting internal mental thoughts and events.
    -It's limited as it can only reveal conscious mental processes and is unsuitable for unconscious studies.
    How it works:
    -PP are presented with a stimuli e.g. a light turning on.
    -They asked ti report back their thought, emotions and sensations.
    -Wundt compared responses allowing a general theory about perception and other mental processes can be made.
  • Weaknesses of Wundt
    Skinner and Watson say introspection is unobservable mental processes and to study these would mean a loss of objectivity.