Explanations of attachment

Cards (11)

  • Explanations of attachment
    • Learning theory
    • Bowlby's monotropic theory
  • Monotropic- the idea that one particular attachment is different from all other and central importance to a childs development
  • [Bowlby] attachment is a reciprocal process
  • Social releasers- innate 'cute' behaviours that babies are born with to activate adult attention
  • Law of continuity- The more constant and predictable a child's care, the better the quality of attachment
  • The law of accumulated separation- effects of every seperation from the mother add up and the 'safest dose is therefore a 'zere dose''-[Bowlby]
  • Critical period- a time where an attachment must form
    • Harlow-90 days
    • Lorenz-a few hours
    [Bowlby] extended this idea onto humans- 2.5 years-important for psychological development or their will be pscyhological damage
  • -Research to contradict the critical period [Rutter]
    • Romanian orphans adopted into stable homes- formed attachments after 2.5 years- at ages 7 and 8
  • Internal working model- refers to our mental representations of the world- rs to our primary attachment figure that acts as model for future relationships
  • Limitations to the IWM
    -UNSCIENTIFC- idea is unconscious- can only be measured indirectly through interviews/questionnaires=subjectec=cannot be tested or verified
  • Strength into IWM
    +Research to support [Bailey et al]
    • Assessed attachment relationships in 99 mothers and 1 year old babies- found that mothers with poor attachment to their mothers had poorly attached babies