The First Dail

Cards (2)

  • Sinn Fein (the party in power at the time) came together and formed a government in the Mansion House, on 21 January 1919. Only 27 TDs were present due to the rest being in jail or abroad. At the first meeting, a Declaration of Independence was issued, stating that they would establish an Irish republic and to put the declaration in place.
    Sinn Fein changed Ireland to gain control by:
    • Gaining control of the local government
    • Founded Sinn Fein courts to deal with people's court cases/crimes
    • Organised loans to run the new Dail, Collins raised £300k from the public.
  • The Dail was declared illegal by Britain in 1919, who passed the Government of Ireland Act 1920 to put a Home Rule parliament in Ulster and Dublin. Sinn Fein rejected this and continuously demanded independence.