Cards (43)

  • Communication is derived from the Latin word “comunicare” which means
    • to impart
    • to share
    • to participate
  • It is one of the more essential human activities that enable us to make connections, create meanings, and nurture understanding.
  • communication means
    sharing or impartimg
  • communis
    common or public
  • communicare
    to make common and share
  • munus
    duty or business
  • what are 4 words that are derived from communication
    • communication
    • communis
    • munus
    • communicare
  • is a process of exchanging verbal and/or non-verbal information between two or more people who can be either the speaker or the receiver of messages.
  •  is a sum of all the things a person does when he wants to create understanding in the minds of another.
  • Forms of Communication
    • written communication
    • oral communication
    • nonverbal communication
    • visual communication
  • is a form of verbal communication, but it is so different than spoken verbal communication that this form gets its own separate type.
    written communication
  • this type of communication involves an exchange of information through face-to-face audio and/or video call or conferencing, lectures, meetings, radio and television.
    oral communication
  • this reinforces the words, provides feedback to others and defines relationships more clearly (for example, people who trust and empathize with each other are likely to mirror body language) in particular situations, whether formal or informal.
    non-verbal communication
  • Types of Non Verbal Communication:
    1. Facial Expression
    2. Proxemics
    3. Paralanguage
    4. Gestures
    5. Body Language
    6. Oculesics or Eye Gaze
    7. Appearance
    8. Haptics
    9. Artifacts
  • a form of non-verbal communication, it is used by humans to convey various types of meaning in various context.
    facial expressions
  • 7 universal facial expression
    1. anger
    2. contempt
    3. disgust
    4. fear
    5. happiness
    6. sadness
    7. surprise
  • it is the study human use of space and the effect that population density has on behavior, communication, and social interaction.
  • it refers to an individual's perception of the use of space, both personal (how much space they take up) and social (distance from one another).
  • 4 Zones in Proxemics
    1. Intimate Zone
    2. Personal Zone
    3. Social Zone
    4. Public Zone
  • is the technical term for the voice cues that accompany spoken words, it is concerned with the sound of the voice and the range of meanings that people convey through their voices rather than the words they use.
  • deliberate movements and signals are important way to communicate meaning without words
  • the way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world
    body language or posture
  • The eyes play an important role in nonverbal communication and such things as looking, staring, and blinking are important nonverbal behaviors. Looking at another person can indicate a range of emotions including hostility, interest, and attraction.
    oculesics or eye gaze
  • This non-verbal cue is quite controversial. We're taught not to judge a book by its cover. We can't assess a person's intelligence or demeanor by the clothes they wear.
  • Communicating through touch is another important nonverbal behavior.
  • Objects and images are also tools that can be used to communicate nonverbally.
  • is delivering information, messages, and points by way of graphical representations or visual aids.
    visual communication
  • important part of communication and in order to be a great communicator, you must master the art of
  • it refers to planning what and how you communicate your ideas to other people who are older than you are or who occupy a higher social or professional position such as your parents, teachers, and supervisors, among others.
    intended communication
  • it happens when you unintentionally send non-verbal messages to people you are communicating with, or when you suddenly make negative remarks out of frustration or anger.
    unintended communication
  • Unintended messages are generated by:
    1. trigger words
    2. poor grammar
    3. body language
    4. voice
    5. method of delivery
    6. apparent emphasis
    7. missing information
    8. level of engagement
    9. distraction
  • 5 Elements of Communication
    1. Communicators
    2. Message
    3. Medium/Channel
    4. Feedback
    5. NOise
  • these are the people involved in the process of communication are categorized into  sender and receiver.
  • it is the information that the sender wants to convey is called the message, it can come in the form of a question, a plain statement, a comment, or remark.

  • is the means by which a message is transmitted, it is also called language
  • it is the responds to the sender, indicating comprehension.
  •  refers to interference that takes place during the communication process
  • 3 Models of Communication
    1. Linear Model
    2. Transactional Model
    3. Interactive Model
  • Interactive model is also called
    convergence model
  • it is mostly used for new media, like internet. Here people can respond to any mass communications like videos, news, etc. People can exchange their views and ideas.
    interactive model or convergence model