Cerebral Cranium - Part of the skull that encloses the brain. It also reffered to as the "calvarium/calvaria" or cranial vault
Sutures - are special interlocking joints between the various bones of the cerebral cranium.
Frontal bone - this single bone forms the forehead and part of the roof of the skull.
SUPRA ORBITAL BORDERS - are the riges forming tje upper margins of the circular openings of the orbits.
Glabella - it is the smooth, rounded bony prominence above the nose.
FrontalSinuses - are paired cavities in the squamous or forehead part of the frontal bone, ane on each side.
Nasioon - is the middle point of the Fronto-Nasal suture.
Supra Orbital Notch - lies towards the medial end of each supra orbital border allowing blood vessels and nerves to pass.
ParietalBones - these are paired bones, one on each side of the cerebral cranium.
Parietaleminence - Is a bony prominince on the outer surface of each parietal bone which is greatest transverse diameter of the skull.
Occipitalbone - Is a single bone which forms the posterior part as well as the part of the base or floor of the cerebral cranium.
Squamous Part - is the flat posterior part of the occipital bone.
ForamenMagnum - Is an opening in the lower part of the occipital bone through which the medulla of the brain leaves the skull, which is formed entirely by the occipital bone.
LateralPartsoftheoccipitalbone - lie on each side of the foramen magnum.
Occipital condyles - are two oval prominences on the under surface of the lateral parts of the foramen magnum.
Baseoftheoccipitalbone - part in front of the Foramen
Magnum which unite with the Sphenoid bone in front andf orms part of the floor of the skull.
ExternalOccipitalProtuberance/Inion – is the bony prominence on the outer surface of the squamous part of the occipital bone which is readily palpable.
TEMPORAL BONES (2) - Forms part of the lateral walls and base of the skull.
ygomaticProcess – is a slender bony process
that extends forward from the squamous part
to meet a similar process of the Zygomatic bone
forming the “Zygomatic Arch”
Mastoid Process – is a large rounded bony
prominence extending down behind the ear.
Mastoid Air Cells – are small cavities in the
mastoid process and adjacent part that
communicate with the middle ear.
PetrousPart – is shaped like a pyramid that extends from
the ear medially and forward in the base of the skull.
Styloid Process – is a sharp pointed process that extends
down from the base of the petrous part which is seen in
lateral view of the skull outlined behind the mandible.
ExternalAuditoryMeatus – a tube-like passage extending into
the petrous part of the temporal bone.
InternalAuditory Meatus –
lies in the middle or inner
part of the petrous, medial to
the middle ear.
Internal Ear – lies in the petrous part and is the organ of
Mandibular or Articular Fossa – a depression on the
temporal bone in front of the EAM.
jugular Foramen – is an opening medial to the styloid
process through which the internal jugular vein and
cranial nerves IX, X and XI pass.
Carotid canal – is an opening medial to the styloid
process through which the internal carotid artery passes into the cranial cavity
Stylomastoid foramen – is a tiny opening between the mastoid and Styloid
processes through which cranial nerve VII leaves the cranium.
Foramen Lacerum – is an opening between the petrous temporal bone and the
sphenoid providing passage for a number of small nerves and for the internal
carotid artery to enter the middle cranial fossa.
SPHENOID BONE - A single bone that help to form a small part of the lateral wall of the skull on
each side as well as part of the base of the skull
Body – part of the sphenoid bone that is the central part that lies in the midline of the floor of the skull, in front
of the occipital bone.
Wings – extended laterally from the body. There are two pairs; the Greater wings
and Lesser wings.
PterygoidProcesses/Plates – extend down from the undersurface of the body.
Sphenoid Sinuses – are two cavities within the body of the bone, one on
each side of the midline that lie behind the nasal fossae and open into
OpticForamen – is an opening at the front on each side of the body of the
SellaTurcica – is a depression
hallowed out on the upper surface of
the body which is shaped like a saddle
wherein the Pituitary gland/
Hypophysis lies in this depression.
DorsumSella (BackofSaddle) - Is the posterior wall of the
Sella Turcica where it curve upward like the back of a saddle
PosteriorClinoidProcesses – are two small rounded
bony processes that extend up and forward from the top