intelligence model

Cards (8)

  • crime pattern theory
    mental maps, safe confident
    offenders only commit crimes in areas that they’re familiar with
    mental maps limit behaviour as they usually won’t go beyond their mental map
  • routine activity theory
    crimes closely linked to people’s activity
    occurs when there’s a motivated criminal, target and a lack of police
    you can, predict crime rate patterns
    explain the difference in crime in areas
    routine activity provides a time frame for crime eg people who work a 9-5 aren’t home, provides opportunity for burglary
  • application: using geography to explain crime
    1 law
    2 spatial
    3 victim
    4 offender
  • NIM
    national intelligence model
    broad outlook on crime, targets specific subsets by prioritising issues and development
    level 1, neighbourhood crime eg burglary
    level 2, cross boarder, affects more than one basic command unit eg stolen goods
    level 3, deals with serious and organised crime eg crime groups
  • scan
    identify problems and consequences, prioritise them and determine the frequency
  • analysis
    research problem and address the strengths and limitations, narrow the scope of problem, identify sources to assist, develop hypothesis
  • response
    new intervention
    what have other communities with similar problems done
    response plan
    carry out planned activities
  • assessment
    was plan implemented
    collecting qualitive and quantitative info
    new strategies
    ensuring the assessment is on going to ensure effectiveness