humoral response

Cards (6)

  • B cells (lymphocytes)

    • Made and also mature in bone marrow
    • Have antibodies on surface complementary to different antigens
  • Many antibodies produced rapidly
    Pathogen destroyed before symptoms occur (active immunity)
  • Humoral response
    1. Antigens in blood collide with complementary antibody on B cell, B cell takes in via endocytosis, presents on cell surface membrane
    2. When B cell collides with helper T cell receptor, it's activated to go through clonal selection and clonal expansion
    3. B cells undergo mitosis to make lots of cells which differentiate into plasma (which make antibodies) or memory B cells
    4. If you're reinfected with same pathogen, B memory cells divide rapidly into plasma cells to make lots of antibodies
  • Clonal selection definition
    Only the B-cell that forms an antigen-antibody complex (complementary to the antigen) is selected to divide into plasma cells
  • Plasma cells
    Clones of the selected B cell, with complementary antibody to pathogen's antigen
    • make monoclonal antibodies (one clone of antibody) which form antigen-antibody complexes with antigen
    • agglutination occurs
  • Agglutination
    Process of sticking pathogens together
    • pathogens can destroy may pathogens at once