Cards (22)

  • 2 beliefs about peace?
    1. peace maybe hard to achieve through war- instability
    2. Christians seek inner peace and tranquillity through prayer
  • 2 beliefs about forgiveness?
    1. christains are taught to forgive others if they are wished to be forgiven
    2. Christians believe god offers forgiveness to all who as in faith
  • 2 beliefs about justice?
    1. god is the ultimate judge
    2. all discrimination is wrong
  • 2 beliefs about reconciliation?
    1. conscious effort to rebuild a damaged relationship
    2. it is associated with Jesus reconciling humanity with God through his death
  • christians believe that protests to achieve what is right is acceptable as long as violence is not used
  • most christians believe terrorism is wrong because it targets innocent people
  • do not repay anyone evil for evil
  • 3 reasons for war:
    1. greed- gain land/control
    2. self defence
    3. retaliation - fight against a country that has done something very wrong
  • turn the other cheek
  • what is nuclear weapon?
    weapons that work by a nuclear reaction that kills large areas
  • 2 christian beliefs about nuclear weapons of mass destruction:
    1. only god has the right to end a life
    2. some Christians see nuclear weapons to maintain peace and prevent attacks
  • what is a just war?
    meets internationally accepted criteria for fairness
  • 6 conditions for just war:
    1. just cause
    2. last resort
    3. right intention
    4. same force
    5. reasonable chance of success
    6. declared by authority
  • what is a holy war?
    fighting for a religious cause or god
  • for christians a holy war must:
    1. be authorized by a religious leader
    2. only fought to defend faith
  • christians beliefs about violence
    1. "those who live by the sword die by the sword"
    2. eye for an eye tooth for a tooth - reduces violence by limiting retaliations
  • what is pacifism?

    Opposition to war or violence.
  • blessed are the peacemakers
  • quakers promotes pacifism and refuse violence
  • 6 things victims of war need:
    1. psychological support
    2. money to live
    3. a safe place to live
    4. medical help
    5. access to food and water
    6. earning a living
  • why do christians help victims of war?
    taught to love one another
  • 1 organisation?
    christian aid