9.3 The Nature of God: God as Lawgiver and judge; the divine

Cards (7)

  • How many Mitzvot are there?
  • What are the first ten mitzvot?
    The Ten Commandments
  • When do Jews believe they're judged?
    • During the Rosh Hashanah - God judges their past year and decides their year to come
    • After death
  • What was Shekhinah?
    The Divine Presence of God
  • Where did Jews believe the divine presence of God was in the early days?
    Tabernacle - Portable temple similar to a tent, carried on the journey to Canaan
  • Where did Jews believe the divine presence of God was after the conquering of Canaan?
    • The Solomon Temple in Jerusalem - central place of Jewish worship, several people felt his presence (Isaiah)
  • What does the Tenakh describe in terms of the divine presence of God?
    Describes how Jews were guided by a pillar of fire or a cloud on their journey to Canaan, and were thought to be appearances of God that demonstrated his power and glory