Cards (3)

  • :) Mediational processes
    • Focuses on the important ‘processes’ that occur between stimulus and response
    • Cognitive psychologists have gone some way to explaining how important meditational processes, such as perception and memory, affect the way we respond to the world around us
    • This has helped explain practical elements of human behaviour
  • :) Important Contributions
    • Has influenced many areas of psychology. As well as being usefully applied on therapy, such as in CBT, to successfully treat disorders like depression
    • Been applied to developmental psychology - Piaget (1970) suggested that children's thinking is not the same as that of adults.
    • Children aged around 8 or 9 can't think abstract. If they want to solve a maths problem, they need to see it in a concrete form, such as manipulating counting sticks. Piaget's ideas had a major effect on teaching in primary schools as teachers realised it was important
  • :) Scientific Approach
    • Is objective and controlled scientific research
    • For example, memory research has in the main been conducted under strict laboratory conditions, and in more recent times this has involved using brain scanning techniques
    • e.g. PET scans, MRI scans areas of the brain that are involved in short- and long-term memory