AO1 - Content Analysis

Cards (12)

  • Content analysis - Method of analysing qualitative data by changing large amounts of qualitative data into quantitative. (1) This is done by identifying meaningful codes that can be counted enabling us to present the data in a graph. (1)
  • It is appropriate to use a content analysis because the data (AO2) being analysed is qualitative data.
  • Coding is the initial process of a content analysis where qualitative data is placed into meaningful categories.
  • How to carry out content analysis:
    1. Read the transcript/watch the video of AO2
    2. Identify/create coding, such as AO2
    3. Re-read the transcript/diaries or repeatedly listen to sections of the recording (AO2) and tally each time a code appears
    4. Present the now quantitative data in a graph/table
  • One way to assess the reliability of content analysis is through inter-rater reliability:
    1. The two raters would read through the qualitative data separately and create coding categories together (AO2)
    2. Two raters read exactly the same content (AO2 - what is the content?) but record/tally the occurrences of the categories separately
    3. They compare the tallies from both raters, which are then correlated using an appropriate stats test
    4. A strong positive correlation shows high reliability (+0.8)
  • Operationalising can be used to improve reliability of content analysis
  • Operationalising: To be specific and clear when defining coding categories (1), so they can be easily measured (1)
  • Operationalising is important because if coding categories are vague then it would not be possible to repeat the research to check for consistent results
  • Operationalising increases reliability as if the coding categories are operationalised, the other researchers can repeat the research in the same way to check for consistent results
  • Face validity can be used to assess the validity of content analysis
  • How to conduct face validity:
    1. The quickest most superficial way of assessing for validity
    2. An independent psychologist in the same field looks at the coding categories (AO2) to see if they look like they measure what they intend to measure (AO2) at first sight/face value
    3. If the researcher says 'yes' then the content analysis is valid
  • To improve validity of content analysis:
    • Ensure coding categories are operationalised
    • Researchers are trained in how to use the coding categories