
Cards (5)

  • Effectiveness
    1. Integration with other therapies
    2. Application on mindfulness-based cognitive
    3. Application in mindfulness
    4. Group versus individual mindfulness
  • Integration with other therapies
    • becoming increasingly incorporated into other therapies offering a new + alternative perspective in therapy
    • For example, minfulness-based CBT is a four stage therapeutic approach which incorporates mindfulness with CBT
    • This helps change the process of thinking
  • Application in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
    • Used to help patients who suffer recurrent depression from relapse
    • Teasdale et al (2000) evaluated MBCT among 145 recurrently depressed patients. It was randomly allocated and assessed over 60-week-period. Reported the MBCT provided the greatest help to people who suffered the most number of previous episodes
  • Application in mindfulness-based stress reduction
    • Developed for use in general hospitals with patients suffering from conditions which may be painful, chronic, disabling or terminal
    • Rebel et al (2001) reported that MBSR decreased levels of anxiety + depression in 136 patients who participated in an 8-week mindfulness programme, including 20 minutes of meditation per day
  • Group versus individual mindfulness
    • For some psychological problems there is some evidence to suggest that mindfulness meditation is more effective in group settingd
    • Mantzios and Giannou (2014) - investigated group v individual mindfulness among participants who were trying to lose weight.
    • 170 participants were randomly assigned to practice meditation for 6 weeks with a group or individually
    • Found participants lost more weight in group setting + lowered their levels of cognitive-behavioural avoidance - benefits of mindfulness meditation need to be viewed with causation