Rural Rebranding Case Study

Cards (14)

  • post production countryside
    primary jobs employing less people as jobs go else where and mechanisation
  • rural areas in decline- rebranding the post production countryside
  • what industries did cornwall have?
    primary industries- fishing, quarrying, tin mining, copper, china clay
  • why is it difficult to attract business and regeneration to rural and coastal areas?
    -core periphery
    -distance and transport
    -lower income
  • problems with cornwall
    -can be as much as 8 hours away from London
    -few major road links
    -rail is slow, 2.5 hours to exeter
    -17 neighborhoods are among the top 10% most deprived in UK
    -30% children in poverty
    -lowest education attainment
    -brain drain, learn and leave
    -average income is £10,000 less then england
  • what makes an area deprived?
    neighborhoods that lack the basic necessities they need to thrive. this may refer to income and employment, but also education, health, housing, services, commitment, safety and living environment
  • negative changes in cornwall 2015-2019 data
    all caused by shift in industry
    income decrease- 88-99
    employment decrease- 74-91
    crime increase- 270-218
  • camborne, cornwall
    spiral in decline mining jobs were lost
  • holmans mining equipment
    employed 3,000 people all in one company
  • foodbank in cornwall
    largest in the country
    feeds 400-500 families a month
    14,000 meals
  • what is the average wage in camborne
    £4 lower then uk avarage
  • wild young parents
    mentoring, activities, skills, raise moral
    no long term jobs around
  • general strategies for rural rebranding
    -rural heritage and tourism
    -arts and media project
    -on-farm tourism fishing, accommodation, clay pigeon shooting
    -rural industry, development special furniture, jewelry
    -development of rural energy: local hydroelectric schemes, solar and wind farming organic crops
    -off farm development
  • rebranding cornwall
    jamacia inn
    expanded newquay airport
    promoted by rick stein on tv
    flagship project-> eden project