neurotransmission and the reflex arc

Cards (6)

  • Explain how neurotransmission takes place to pass an electrical impulse from one neuron to another.
    -electrical impulse arrives at the end of a neuron
    -neurotransmitters (which are chemicals) are released into the synapse ( a gap between the 2 neurons)
    -neurotransmitters will diffuse across the synapse and bind to the receptors found on the next neuron.
    -receptors will then generate an electrical impulse.
  • How do painkillers work during neurotransmission?
    -electrical impulse arrives at the end of a neuron
    -less neurotransmitters (chemicals) are released into the synapse (gap between the 2 neurons)
    -less neurotransmitters will diffuse across the synapse and less will bind to the receptors on the next neuron.
    -delay or no generation of an electrical impulse
    -therefore reducing the pain
    -slower response
  • What is a voluntary action?
    voluntary actions are those that you think about. The brain is involved.
  • What is an involuntary action?
    involuntary actions are those you don't think about. The brain isn't involved.
  • Describe the reflex arc
    -there is a stimulus (change in the environment)
    -receptors in sensor organ detect stimulus
    -receptors will then generate an electrical impulse
    -sensory neuron transmits electrical impulse to the relay neuron in the spinal chord.
    -reflexes are involuntary responses
    -relay neuron will transmit electrical impulse to the motor neuron
    -motor neuron transmits electrical impulse to effectors (muscles) which will respond
  • Why are reflexes important?
    -faster response
    -it is an involuntary response
    -protects body from harm