cognitive interview (12 marks)

Cards (16)

  • Some psychologists argue that there is always more information about an event in a person's memory than can be recalled at any one time
  • This means that eye-witness recall can be improved by using certain techniques and methods
  • Describe and evaluate at least one way of improving eye-witness recall

    Refer to evidence in your answer
  • This is a 12 Marker Framework
  • Do Now: Write a plan in bullet points
  • You will need 4 marks for AO1, 2 marks for AO2 and 6 marks for AO3
  • AO1
    • For a 12 marker you will have 6 points
  • AO2
    • This is an application Question so you will have AO1 x 4 and AO2 x 2
  • AO3
    • For a 12 marker you will have 6 marks
  • Broken down into 3 paragraphs
    1. What is the question asking- what topic do you need to write about?
    2. What will your first paragraph talk about?
    3. What will your second paragraph talk about?
    4. What will your Third paragraph talk about?
    5. What structure will you use?
  • Possible answers
    • Most answers will focus on the cognitive interview technique but any method / technique with a psychological basis should be credited (eg avoiding leading questions).
    • Likely content: the original cognitive interview – 4 features: restore context; recall everything even trivial detail; recall in reverse order; recall from another perspective.
    • Credit also features of the enhanced cognitive interview eg relax, speak slowly.
    • Likely evidence: Geiselman (1985).
    • Context reinstatement – trying to mentally recreate an image of the situation, including details of the environment, such as the weather conditions, and the individual's emotional state including their feelings at the time of the incident.
    • Recall from a changed perspective – trying to mentally recreate the situation from different points of view e.g. describing what another witness present at the scene would have seen.
    • Recall in reverse order – the witness is asked to describe the scene in a different chronological order e.g. from the end to the beginning.
    • Report everything – the interviewer encourages the witness to report all details about the event, even though these details may seem unimportant.
  • Spend time writing out your plan in more detail
  • "Some psychologists argue that there is always more information about an event in a person's memory than can be recalled at any one time. This means that eye-witness recall can be improved by using certain techniques and methods."
    How can we relate our AO1 about the cognitive interview to the stem?
  • Add 1 detailed paragraph at the end of your AO1
  • Broken down into 3 paragraphs
    1. Strengths and limitations
    2. What is the question asking you to assess?
    3. How effective are the methods mentioned in your AO1 at improving Eyewitness testimony?
    4. First evaluation point?
    5. Second evaluation Point?
    6. Third Evaluation Point?
  • Possible Answers
    • How / why recall is enhanced: eg role of context reinstatement; work on reconstructive memory; use of context; makes the event more meaningful.
    • Limitations: eg usefulness of the cognitive interview with children; less useful when there is increased time between event and recall.
    • Relative effectiveness of individual features of the cognitive interview; better for recall of peripheral detail than central detail.
    • Use of relevant evidence to support / refute argument.