eyewitness testimony

Cards (12)

  • Eyewitness testimony
    The use of eyewitnesses in court to give evidence for the identity of someone who has committed a crime
  • Eyewitness memory
    The term psychologists use when carrying out research to test the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
  • Eyewitness testimony is a legal term
  • Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
    1. Misleading information including leading questions, post-event discussion and anxiety
    2. Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony including the use of the cognitive interview
  • Cognitive interview
    • A technique developed by Fisher & Gieselman (1992) that is now used by the police when interviewing witnesses of a crime
  • Techniques used in the cognitive interview
    1. Report everything
    2. Mental reinstatement
    3. etc.
  • When there is high anxiety
    Eyewitness focus is drawn to the weapon, making it difficult to recall other details (weapon focus effect)
  • Procedure of Johnson & Scott (1976) study
    • Low anxiety condition: Heard argument, saw man with pen and grease/oil
    • High anxiety condition: Heard argument, saw man with bloody paper knife
  • 49% of participants in low anxiety condition correctly identified the man, compared to only 33% in high anxiety condition
  • Evaluation points

    • Ecological validity
    • Demand characteristics
    • Reliability
    • Validity
  • Cognitive interview has been shown to increase accuracy of recall by 34% compared to standard interview (Kohen et al, 1999)
  • Milne and Bull (2002) found that using 'report everything' and 'mental reinstatement' techniques in the cognitive interview led to significantly higher recall compared to a normal interview