Cards (12)

  • Modals
    Are auxiliary or helping verbs. They may be used in expressing permission, obligation and prohibition.
  • Permission
    Is an act of giving consent or authorization. In stating permission, modals to be used include can, could may.
  • Can
    Is used to ask for and give permission.
  • Could
    Is also used as a more polite and more formal modal in asking permission (May not be given)
  • May
    Is the most polite and formal modal used in asking and giving permission.
  • Prohibition
    Is the act of disallowing or prohibiting someone in performing or doing something. Modals showing prohibition include can't and must not/mustn't.
  • Can't
    Used in dealing with something against the rules, laws and signs. This is used when the speaker is not the one who sets the rules.
  • Must not/mustn't
    Used in dealing with something that is not permitted.
  • Obligation
    Expresses commitment or duty. Modals used in expressing obligation include have to (has to) and must.
  • Has/Have to
    Used when obligation comes not from the speaker. The obligation is set by an authority, rule or law.
  • Must
    Used when expressing obligation comes from the speaker or from an authority.
  • No obligation
    Expresses the absence of commitment or duty as one may do it or not. Don't (doesn't ) have to is used to express no obligation.