working memory model ao1

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  • Working Memory Model
    Another name for Short-Term Memory (STM), it is a workspace where a variety of operations (auditory and visual) can be carried out
  • Working Memory Model
    • Consists of the Central Executive (supervisory component that has overall control), Phonological Loop (deals with auditory information), Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad (stores visual and spatial information), and Episodic Buffer (integrates information from the other components)
  • Baddeley and Hitch (1974) contested the idea of a unitary STM using the case of KF, who had a digit span of two but could still transfer new information to his LTM
  • Dual task technique

    Look at two letters and circle whether a statement about them is true or false, while also reciting numbers
  • If digit span is a measure of STM capacity
    Participants would be expected to show impaired performance on the reasoning task because their STM would be fully occupied
  • Baddeley and Hitch found participants made few errors on either the digit span or reasoning task, though the speed was slightly slower
  • Baddeley and Hitch concluded that STM must be made up of several components all of which are involved in processes other than simple storage
  • Central Executive
    Supervisory component that has overall control of working memory, monitors information, decides what to pay attention to, and allocates tasks to the slave systems
  • Central Executive
    • Limited capacity, but processes information from any sensory system (vision, hearing, touch, taste or smell)
  • Phonological Loop
    The 'inner ear' that deals with auditory information, consisting of a phonological store that holds words heard and an articulatory loop that allows maintenance rehearsal
  • Phonological Loop
    • Capacity is determined by the length of time it takes to say the words, making it hard to remember long words
  • Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad

    Stores visual information, with a visual cache that stores visual data and an inner scribe that records the arrangement of objects
  • The Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad has limited capacity, as shown by the difficulty in drawing a journey backwards while reciting a song
  • People can perform two tasks at the same time as long as the tasks use different components of the working memory system
  • Episodic Buffer
    Processes and integrates information from the central executive and the sub-systems, linking working memory to long-term memory