Are statements expressing the result of a particular condition. If-clause and when-clause present the condition while the main clause explains the results.
Conditional statements may appear in both affirmative and negative structures.
Zero conditional
Deals with habits and general truths such as laws. It is formed using this structure:
If/when + present simple.
First conditional
Used in dealing with things that are possibly or likely to happen in the future. Though this type may be formed using unless, as long as, as soon as or in case, it's most common form uses this structure:
If/when + present simple
Second conditional
Used in dealing with things impossible in the present are unlikely to occur in the future.
If+ past simple
Third conditional
Used in dealing with things or change in past scenario yielding to different results.
If+past perfect.
Can be used in expressing stand or arguments.
Also may be helpful in persuading others to move or act and even change their thoughts.