Cognitive load: easy memory task, hard memory task, no memory task
Terror management: write about own death, write about dental pain
Trauma: look at traumatic photos, look at happy photos
Hawthorn effects
When participants behave differently because they know they are being watched
Experimental expectancy effects
When experimental group differs from the control group because the experimenter EXPECTS them to differ (improve)
Clever Hans
Experimenter with knowledge = 8% correct, Experimenter without knowledge = 98% correct
Rosenthal & Fode, 1963
Rosenthal told his students that some mice were "Dull" or "Smart", and the "Smart" mice learned the maze faster
Demand Characteristics
Participants differ because they are conforming to the experimental demands; any aspect of the experiment that allows participants to guess what is under investigation
Cover story
The ostensible reason for the study, what we tell participants is going on
A member of the research staff who posses as another participant, or in another role, to help surreptitiously deliver experimental stimuli