MAturity models

Cards (9)

  • Maturity model: how 'mature' something is/a group of people is in terms of their understanding of the topic
  • Richardson's REST has 4 levels
  • R REST lvl 0 : all coms goes through 1 URL. lvl 1: maps to resources (parameters). lvl 2: correctly use CRUD. lvl 3: hypermedia controls
  • Hypermedia: instead of fixed heirarchy, finds and returns all the options of the next category to explore
  • canonical represenation: the 'main' representation of an object/something (eg. host\itemID as opposed to host\?hasColourPurple=true)
  • IMplementing Hypermedia: basically make links to things that would be useful to access for an object as part of it when returning it (eg. its canonical representation (self))
  • AJAX: async java and xml
  • Do not share too many details in error messages as if someone is intentionally trying to hack ur giving them what they want
  • Hypermedia links allow more separation in that the client does not know all the server structure and finds out through navigation