health in later life

Cards (47)

  • Cohort effect

    -Third gerontology principle
    -Shared experiences, similar outlook
  • This illustrates what is not affected by aging and what phenomena may be due to cohort effects
    Longitudinal studies
  • The WHO definition of health
    A complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. Not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
  • Prevalence of mental disorders (older adults, general population, nursing homes)
    -Older adults: 15-25%
    -General population: 20%
    -Nursing homes: 70-90% (6-7% of population)
  • A key presentation in later life for both depression and anxiety
    Memory impairment
  • Memory impairment in elderly a symptom for anxiety and depression commonly misdiagnosed with what?
  • Key risk factors for depression in elderly include:
    -Newly diagnosed medical illness
    -Poor health status
    -Poor self-perceived health
    -Prior depression -Bereavement
  • Protective factors for depression in elderly include
    -Greater perceived social support
    -Regular physical exercise
    -Higher socioeconomic status
  • Effective interventions for depression in later life includes what and how effective are they
    -Effective in 80% of cases
  • % of misdiagnosed dementia actually being depression
  • Key risk factors for anxiety include
    -Poor self-rated general health status
    -Physical or sexual abuse in childhood
    -Current smoker.
  • Protective factors of anxiety include
    -Greater perceived social support
    -Regular physical exercise
    -Higher level of education.
  • Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions for anxiety in older adults
    -Cognitive behavioural therapy
    -Relaxation training
    -Supportive therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy emphases

    1. How you are thinking and behaving

    2. How you are feeling
  • Relaxation training

    -Useful to combat anxiety at any age
    -Deep breathing
    -Letting go of invasive, worrying thoughts
  • Supportive therapy

    -Physiological well-being
    -Psychological self-esteem
    -Encouraging and supportive relationship key
  • Psychotherapies for older adults with depression:
    -Cognitive behavioural therapy
    -Interpersonal psychotherapy
    -Problem-solving therapy
    -Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • Why is avoiding polypharmacy useful in elderly
    Decreases chances of side effects
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy

    -Highly structured
    -Time-limited approach
    -Resolve interpersonal problems underlying depression.
  • Problem-solving therapy

    -Positive coping strategies
    -Replace unhelpful or maladaptive ones
  • Brief psychodynamic therapy

    -Increased self-awareness
    -Understanding influence of past experiences on present behaviour.
    -Time-limited intervention
    -Oriented to current goals
  • Examples where interdisciplinary teams are most effective include
    -Memory clinics
    -End of life treatment
  • Bipolar disorder symptoms

    -Severe highs and lows with mood
    -Thinking patterns
  • Stats: Bipolar and Schizophrenia in elderly females

    -Females 2-3x more than males
  • Stats: Schizophrenia early onset compared to older onset
    -75% early and mid life onset
    -25% later life onset
  • Group psychotherapy approaches are most effective with whom
    Chronic mental illness in elderly
  • What percentage of all dementias are attributed to Alzheimer's disease?
  • Dementia definition

    An acquired syndrome of intellectual impairment produced by brain dysfunction.
  • Dementia is characterized by changes in
  • Common age of onset dementia
  • What risk factors are more influential for dementia genes or lifestyle
  • Prevalence of developing dementia
  • World wide stats on dementia
    27-36 million
    2/3 in Developing world
  • What is the 10/66 Dementia Research Group represents what
    10% or less of population-based research on dementia has been conducted on the two thirds or 66% of people with dementia living in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Psychosocial interventions for people with dementia
    -Activity based therapy
    -Supportive therapy
    -Environmental approaches
  • Supportive therapy: (Psychosocial interventions for dementia)
    Helps dementia patients with depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Environmental approaches:(Psychosocial interventions for dementia)
    Living spaces like home
  • Most prominent model of dementia care is
    Person centred care
  • Activity based therapy: (Psychosocial interventions for dementia)
    Dementia patients stimulated
  • WHO Age friendly city's, Eight dimensions of the living environment are targeted:
    -The built environment
    -Social participation
    -Social inclusion
    -Civic participation
    -Community support
    -Health services