stress and coping

Cards (51)

  • Stress is defined as

    Any circumstance that threaten (or perceived as) the individual's well-being.
  • Most stressful job
  • Bars workers found their job to be more stressful than bomb disposal experts why
    Bomb disposal experts supported, job and risk control
  • Stress is appraisal dependent and there are two types
    -Primary appraisal
    -Secondary appraisal
  • Primary appraisal
    Evaluation of whether a stressor is perceived as a threat or a challenge.

    -Threat appraisal: Negative
    -Challenge appraisal: Positive
  • Secondary appraisal
    Evaluation of whether the individual has the necessary skills and resources for dealing with the stressor.
  • Appraisal is influenced by
  • Positive appraisals more likely when events are
  • Four causes of stress
  • Frustration
    Goal where pursuit disrupted
  • Frustration occurs in two different ways
  • Conflict
    Two or more incompatible motivations compete for expression.
  • Types of conflict
    -The approach-approach
    -The avoidance-avoidance
    -The approach-avoidance
  • The approach-approach conflict
    Choose between two positive competing alternatives
  • The avoidance-avoidance conflict

    Choose between two really unattractive possibilities
  • The approach-avoidance conflict
    NOT about a choice between two different behaviours.
    A choice about a goal or behaviour that has positive AND negative aspects to it.
  • The most stressful type of conflict
    The avoidance-avoidance conflict
  • Change
    Change regardless of positive or negative produces readjustment that could produce stress.
  • Social Readjustment Rating Scale definition and number of items

    Measure used to assess change in people's life.
    It's got 42 items
  • Social Readjustment Rating Scale: First 10 items
    1) Marriage
    2) Troubles with the boss
    3) Detention in jail or other institution
    4) Death of spouse
    5) Major change in sleeping habits
    6) Death of a close family member
    7) Major change in eating habits
    8) Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan
    9) Revision of personal habits
    10) Death of a close friend
  • Pressure
    -People's expectations for behaviour
    -Pressure produces stress
  • Causes of pressure
    -Peer pressure
    -Self imposed pressure
  • Responses to stress
  • Emotional responses from stress
  • Why are emotional responses from stress useful
    -Can act as an alarm signal
    -Response to a threat
  • Paradoxical problem of strong emotional responses from stress
    Can interfere

  • Physiological response to stress
    -Fight or flight
    -Autonomic Nervous System
    -Increased respirations
    -Reduced digestion
  • Tachycardia does what
    Circulates blood more quickly around the body
  • Reduced digestion does what
    Blood diverted to muscles
  • General Adaptation Syndrome
    -Model for an organism's response to stress.

    -Organism's reaction to stress nonspecific
  • General Adaptation Syndrome's 3 stages
    -Alarm response
    -Resistance stage
    -Exhaustion stage
  • Alarm response (first stage)
    -Initial physiological reaction.
    -Cortisol and adrenaline release
  • Resistance stage
    -Stress hormones +++
    -Body attempts to resist or cope with the stressor
    -Consequently blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension constantly elevated
  • Behavioural responses to stress are
    Efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress.
  • Constructive coping

    Only truly adaptive form of coping
  • Constructive coping involves what factors
    -Task orientated
    -Realistic appraisal
    -Inhibit emotions
    -Eat healthy
    -Sufficient sleep
  • Task orientated
    Action focused

    Example: reading marking criteria and assignment instructions, attending tutorials and lectures.
  • Inhibit Emotions

    Defensive coping
  • Defensive coping example

    Example: Exam stress, use distraction to focus
  • Types of performance impairment
    -Competing thoughts
    -Choking under pressure