Appeasement: define and which countries followed? Appeasement is avoiding or preventing war by giving people what they want. Britain and France used this because they thought that if they just gave Germany what they wanted, it would prevent war.
Nazi party
Used the chaos of the Great Depression and the unfair confessions and restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles to gain power by promising to fix the issues in Germany
To pay for the costs of WWI, Germany had been printing new money rather than raising taxes - led to hyperinflation, a severe decline in the worth of currency. The Dawes Plan provided Germany with a $200 million loan to help recover from the inflation
The slowing of global trade affects the Japanese as well. During the economic crisis, Japanese began to lose faith in their government leaders. They began looking to the military leaders for answers, leading to Military control not civilian
Suffered from high inflation and high unemployment as a result of debts incurred by their WWI involvement. This created an environment that allowed fascism to rise, as Italian citizens were willing to give in to power leaders who promised solutions
1929 Stock Market Crash set off the Great Depression worldwide. As the US economy collapsed, American bankers began demanding repayment of overseas loans; investors withdrew money from Europe; Congress placed tariffs persuading Americans to stop buying foreign goods. Policy backfired as other nations did the same. World trade dropped by 65%. The economic and social reforms under FDR known as the New Deal helped to restore the balance and prevent further economic recessions occuring
Voters elected a coalition made of representatives from multiple political parties in Britain called the National Government. It passed protective tariffs, increased taxes, regulated currency, and decreased interest rates to promote growth. Britain saw a slow but steady recovery from the Depression
Economic issues led to political instability as many temporary governments formed and fell. A coalition called the Popular Front attempted to pass reforms to help workers, but high prices offset pay raises. Unemployment also remained high, but France was able to preserve a democratic government
Why did the Qing’s Self Strengthening Movement fail?
Self-Strengthening failed due to a lack of Qing support, the decentralized nature of government and its narrow focus; Never happened in China until recently
Why is “Chinese Republic” a misleading designation for the period between 1912 and 1949 in China?
Gives government too much credit
Why did the alliance between the Nationalists and Communists fail?
In 1927, Chiang Kal-shek got mad at the communists who were trying to foment socialist revolution.
Describe five factors that contributed to Communist victory in 1949.
the Long Marchb. several areas of China were occupied/invaded by Japanc. Communists were just better at fighting the Japanesed. Nationalist corruption and Collecting onerous taxes from Chinese peasantse. Routing Chiang Kai Shek's armies and sent them off to Taiwan -> military victories
What promises did Communists make to the Chinese people? Which of these promises did they fail to deliver?
Promises include that the working class in China will be the leaders of "people's democratic dictatorship," equal rights for women, rent reduction, land redistribution, new heavy industry, and lots of freedom. All were failed.
Compare and contrast Mao’s two major campaigns to industrialize China.
"Resist America and Aid Korea campaign"-> resulted in all foreigners leaving China-2nd one was against "counterrevolutionaries" -> people sympathizing w/ Guomindang or insufficiently communist were subject to humiliation and violence-Third Mass Campaign called "Three Anti Campaign" was aimed at reforming the Communist party itself.-Five Anti Campaign was an assault on all bourgeois capitalism and killed private business in China
Name three consequences of the Cultural Revolution.
Intellectuals were sent to the countryside like in 1942b. millions were persecutedc. countless historical and religious artifacts were destroyed
Chinese Revolution: China industrialization was encouraged after the government was failing due to lack of Qing support; resulted in a Cultural Revolution that prosecuted millions and many historic/religious artifacts were destroyed
What event began WWII? (Identify the countries involved) The German Nazi invasion of Poland
Describe the US internment of the Japanese (what was it and why?) The Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps during the war, it was the policy through President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 After the Pearl Harbour bombing, Japanese-Americans were placed into internment camps because the American government blamed all Japanese people for the destruction of the harbor
What were the technological innovations used in WW2? Heavy military advancements
What were the turning point battles of the war? Battles of Stalingrad and Midway
What happened at the Potsdam Conference? This conference held in the summer of 1945 showed growing tension between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Describe the US homefront and how it changed because of the war. The US homefront changed the rationalizing of goods, increased industrial production, and the mobilization of women and children in the workforce.
Who were the Allied forces? Great Britain, US,Russia Who were the Axis forces? Germany, Italy, Japan
Atlantic Charter declaration of principles issued by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt in August 1941
Tehran A meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin and agreed on a schedule for the D-Day invasion, would work together in peace after the war
Yalta A conference held in Soviet territory in early 1945 ; Allies on brink of military victory. Primary goal was to reach agreement on postwar Europe, Stalin got his way with Polish territory, they all agreed on plans for Germany
Potsdam - Allied forces discussed Demilitarization of Germany
UnitedNations: World organization formed in 1945 to prevent war among nations
Atlantic Charter July 1941- Churchill and Roosevelt met to discuss even before U.S. entered war. Joint declaration of Churchill and Roosevelt in August 1941. Outlined purpose of war. Sought no territorial gains. All nations could choose their own government. Work for mutual prosperity
Tehran December 1943 - Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. Agreed on schedule for D-Day invasion. Would work. together in peace after the war
Yalta - Held in Soviet territory in early territory; Allies on brink of military victory. Primary goal to reach agreement on agreement Europe. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill agreed on plans for Germany. Stalin got his way with Polish territory, made promises
Potsdam - July 1945 - Small German city location for Potsdam Conference. Growing ill will between the Soviet Union. Union and other Allies .there were three sides: Soviet Union, Britain, and United States. Discussed many issues but had difficulty reaching agreement
United Nations - Roosevelt got Stalin to agree to join the fight against Japan once war in Europe was over. The USSR would join a new world organization—the United Nations. Meant to encourage international cooperation and prevent war. June 1945 charter signed with five major Allies as Security Council