unit 6

Cards (5)

  • Cells are constantly reproducing and differentiating, which is like copying something three billion letters long over and over again and then needing to read a few million of those letters
  • Unit 6 is all about Gene Expression and Regulation, with a lot of DNA details and the central dogma
  • The ultimate review packet comes with the best resources, study guides, exclusive practice videos, practice sheets, practice multiple choice questions, and full-length AP style practice exams
  • Gene expression
    1. Genes turn on and off as proteins and molecular products physically bind to a DNA strand
    2. A short DNA sequence upstream of the transcription start site (promoter) is where RNA polymerase and other transcription factors bind to initiate transcription
    3. Negative regulatory molecules can inhibit gene expression by binding to DNA and blocking transcription
    4. Transcription factors bind to the promoter
    5. RNA polymerase moves downstream and an mRNA transcript is synthesized 5' to 3'
    6. mRNA needs to be processed with non-coding introns spliced out and exons retained (alternative splicing)
    7. Different sequences can be removed as a result of different cell signaling, resulting in unique transcripts from the same gene
  • The ultimate review packet has all the content needed to understand and the skills needed to practice to get an A in the class and crush the exams